Board approves budget
The Tyler County Board of Education approved the $15.954 million budget Monday night when no one spoke for or against the measure or asked any questions concerning the budget.
Tyler County Schools Treasurer Jeff Davis opened the public budget hearing by reading the state laws concerning the reading of the budget and the time frame for the hearing after it had been made available to the public. He stated that ample time would be allowed for anyone who would wish to address the budget or question any part of it. He then asked if anyone had anything to say or any questions. When no one spoke, he said the budget hearing was closed. The board then voted unanimously to approve it.
The board also approved provisions in the budget for public library funding for 2014-2015 in the amount of $17,920 for Sistersville and $17,835 for Middlebourne. Also, $22,800 was also approved for the County Extension Office Funding.
The board granted permission to declare Bus #19 and Bus #31 as surplus. Davis said the buses would be sold by public bid notice.
Superintendent Robin Daquilante reported she is trying to finalize a workshop for the board with Howard O’Cull. She said he had offered to come to Tyler County and present the workshop for all board members and since there has been two changes on the board, she is trying to set a date where everyone can attend. She said as soon as she knows when it will be, she will communicate the information to the board members. She also said Howard
Super has agreed to come in later and do a legal workshop. She is hoping everyone can be available for it.
The board approved the schedules for the high school boys and girls 2014-2015 basketball.
Trip requests were approved for:
Abram Negie to take the Tyler Consolidated Middle School Choir to the Sistersville and New Martinsville nursing homes on May 22, and the Tyler Consolidated High School Choir to both nursing homes on May 27, with buses for transportation.
Greg Goodfellow, broadcast teacher, to take 15 middle school students to tour WTRF-TV in Wheeling, W.Va., on May 21, with bus for transportation.
Janet Cline to take two students to the FBLA National Convention from June 28 through July 3, in Nashville, Tenn. Transportation to be by chartered bus.
Other requests approved were:
Burl Folger as appointed a member of the Sistersville Library Board, as requested by Sabrina Kyle.
Joe Griffith approved to allow the middle school golfers to participate in matches during the 2014 season.
Charlene Galluzzo to allow the Ohio River Valley Volleyball Officials Association to use the Sistersville Elementary School library, cafeteria, computer lab, and gymnasium on Thursdays, May 2 through July 24, to hold training for new volleyball officials.
Charlene Galluzzo for the Ohio Valley Volleyball Officials Association to meet at Sistersville Elementary School on July 7 and 21, Aug. 4, 18, and 25, Sept. 7, 14, and 21, and Oct. 5 and 19, to hold WVSSAC Officials Association rules and board meetings.
A.I. Boreman Elementary School second grade teachers were approved for a special needs bus for their trip to the Stacy family farm in Marietta, Ohio, on May 27.
Jodie Weckbacher given permission for her daughter, Lyndie Michael, to be released from Tyler County Schools in order to continue attending Wetzel County Schools for the 2014-2015 school year, pending approval from Wetzel County Board of Education.
Nancy Kester was granted approval for the Middlebourne Baptist Church to use the TCHS soccer field and surrounding areas for the community Vacation Bible School event June 22-27.
Ryan and Tammy Chambers granted approval for their son, Talan Chambers, to be released from Tyler County Schools to continue attending Wetzel County Schools for the 2014-2015 school year, pending approval from Wetzel County Board of Education.
Brittany Flesher granted approval for her son, Caiden Flesher, to be released from Tyler County Schools in order to attend Wetzel County Schools for the 2014-2015 school year, pending approval from Wetzel County Board of Education.
Rob Jones granted permission for the Tyler Summer Baseball 17 and under league to use the Tyler Consolidated baseball complex from late May through July 15.
Resignations were accepted for:
Joyce Hagerty, National Junior Honor Society advisor, Tyler Consolidated Middle School, effective at the end of the school year.
Greg Weekley, bus operator, bus #38, effective June 30.
Greg Weekley, Sistersville after school activity bus operator, effective June 30.
Greg Weekley, Mid Ohio Valley Technical Institute (MOVTI) afternoon bus operator, effective June 30.
Joyce Hagerty, community service coordinator, Tyler Consolidated Middle school, effective at the end of the school year.
Judy Thoburn, math field day coordinator at AIB, effective June 30.
Jason Roberts was approved for employment as secondary social studies teacher, Tyler Consolidated High School, effective July 1.
The board also approved the minutes of the two previous board meetings and authorized the payment of bills.
The next regular meeting of the board will be held on June 2, 7:30 p.m., at the Tyler County Board of Education office.