County Commission approves bid for courthouse repairs
Tyler County commissioners received only one bid for the courthouse roof work and stone restoration project after advertising the work for bid for two weeks.
Koon Restoration, the contractor who has been performing other repairs and restoration work on the building, was the lone bidder. Their proposal was for removal of six-inch half-round gutter hangers and to reinstall brackets and hangers. They will also fabricate and install flashing.
They want to make sure the gutters are tighter against the building and actually work-something the commission said hasn’t happened since they were installed the last time. Also, the project will include repairs to the courthouse roof and stone restoration, which will include a lot of patching and caulking.
The total cost for the project came in at $63,500. The equipment needed to perform the work would be a snorkel lift and scaffolding. It was estimated to be a six-day project. President John Stender mentioned the county would not have to pay an assessment charge for the company to come in prior to doing the work. The commissioners unanimously approved the project.
There were no bidders on the HVAC (heating, ventilation, air conditioning) project at the magistrate office. The county had received one proposal from Valley Plumbing prior to bidding the project. It was decided to return to Valley Plumbing’s proposal and put it on the agenda for the next meeting.
Josh Fulks, assistant director of 911, appeared before the commission to get approval for Jason Wayne, a local business person and Sistersville fireman, to be appointed to the 911 advisory board. He would replace Craig Pritchard, who has resigned from that position. Wayne was unanimously approved by the commissioners.
Shannon Huffman brought it to the commissioners’ attention that an officer had resigned and they would begin training and testing for new officers soon.
Tom Cooper, director of the Office of Emergency Management, told the commissioners he is still working on the two new grants for the generator and the air-monitoring system and they are moving along well. He said he has purchased some of the equipment needed to go along with the project and the bids should soon be in the papers for the generator. The air-monitoring system is from a sole supplier, so that will be purchased there.
Budget revisions were approved pursuant to the signing of the auditor’s office.
Commissioner Charles Smith announced the Boreman Elementary School’s third graders will be visiting the courthouse on May 23. He mentioned it is a special day for them and they will be taken to all areas of the courthouse and will also receive goody bags from the commissioners. There will be approximately 60 children and they will be coming at 9 a.m.
Commissioner Eric Vincent said he had been to the Mid Ohio Valley Regional Council (MOVRC) meeting the previous week and they have some good loans that are on the table, but there is just no money to loan out. He said it is getting tougher and tougher to get money coming into that organization. “Financially they are in great shape, but the pools of money are starting to dry up,” he said. “Eric Peters is the new president of the MOVRC, so we do have that going for us here. They gave out a list of their projects and we are still on the books for the courthouse. But everything is in a holding pattern.”
Vincent also said the commissioners have a request from American Legion Post 67 to send three students to Boys State at a cost of $200 per student. The commissioners unanimously approved the request.
Stender read a thank you letter received by the commission from Anna Phillips for purchasing her ham at the ham and bacon show. He said she was a nice young lady who came up and talked to them at the show. The commissioners purchased the ham with money from their own pockets; none of the expense was to the county.
Stender also mentioned that the work at the 4-H camp is now 100 percent complete. The new transformer is in and all the new electric is up there and it can now be rented. “There are some other things up there that need to be done and we need to work on the septic system. It was put in to where it’s running uphill,” said Stender He said they dug it up last year and it was running up hill and kept backing up, so they have to dig the line up and fix it to flow down hill.
He also announced that Attorney General Patrick Morrisey will be holding a town meeting on May 6 at 7 p.m. in Middlebourne at the Council of Senior Tyler Countians, Inc., 504 Cherry Street.
Under public comments, Jack Hayes presented the commissioners with a request from the magistrates office. He said they think they should probably have wheel stop bumpers up there before somebody comes through the side of the building. “It appears by looking at the building that they need something, whether it be railroad ties or bumper guards,” said Hayes.
It was also mentioned the parking lot needs attention and should be graveled and rolled and a set of steps should be added. It was also brought up that the work on the parking area by the old board office needs to begin soon.
Minutes from the April 8 and 15, meetings were approved, as were the Assessor’s Exonerations and the Clerk’s Fiduciary report. Bills were paid.