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Board of Ed. receives requests

By Staff | Mar 26, 2014

At the March 17th meeting of the Tyler County Board of Education public library funding requests and increasing exercise were on the top of the agenda.

Rosanne Eastham of the Middlebourne Library spoke on behalf of the library and thanked the board for their support of the library. She asked the board to consider an increase in their funding of the library and, if possible, to even increase the amount they allow. She said the library has been extremely busy. Adult groups are using the library for various activities and they also have programs for middle school and high school students. Many people use the computers, as well. She stated the state funding is $16,479, while the library receives $7,000 from the Board of Education and $2,000 from the county, the town of Middlebourne also gives the library $1,000 that comes from the Stealey Green Fund.

Heather Weekley from the Sistersville Library also thanked the board for their financial support of the library and encouraged them to continue that support. She told the board about many of the activities the library is having. She mentioned how a lady had used the library’s computers to help her through college and earn her degree. She said that individual had spent time in prison and decided she needed to change her life. Through the use of the library she was able to do that. She now is married, has a child, a degree, and a good job.

“The library is not just a place to go and read books, it has become much more than that,” said Weekley, “It is a place where adults as well as children can participate in community programs.” She said the library is available for use by anyone. “We currently have 360 participating in our programs,” noted Weekley.

Donna Steigleder from Be Healthy Now and Dr. Carmine Grieco, exercise physiologist at Glenville State College, presented a slide presentation to the board on the importance of incorporating more physical activity time into the school day.

Steigleder said she would like to see each child receive at least 150 minutes of physical activity per week in addition to their regular physical education. She said the health benefits that come with physical activity are a major factor in fighting obesity in children. She explained how her program works with doctors, nurses, schools, and teachers to make exercise a priority and not just a by-product of education. She said right now she covers 23 counties in West Virginia, with Tyler being one of them. She also has programs in Wetzel, Marshall, and Taylor counties.

Steigleder asked the board and the teachers present to consider working with her to set up a program in Tyler County to improve the amount of time spent on exercise, she said the state is moving in this direction.

Dr. Grieco, in his presentation, put more emphasis on the health benefits of exercise overall. He spoke about the state being at or near the bottom when it comes to obesity. He said, “Our children are at risk to health problems associated with obesity because of lack of movement. We have become a nation that spends more time on computers and at our schools the students spend the majority of their day in the classroom with little if any body movement.” He spoke about the way the body responds to lack of movement. He said as a child your bones need to develop to become strong and healthy and that takes movement. “Studies have proved obesity can be controlled by more time spent on physical activities,” said Grieco.

Type 11 diabetes and heart disease are fast becoming the two diseases affecting children the most, according to Grieco. “They are no longer considered the disease of the elderly. Our eating habits and not enough exercise or movement are crucial to eliminating or controlling this trend,” he said. Grieco became involved with (Be Healthy Now) after he was approached to participate in their program and he began to read and study about statistics on health problems associated with lack of exercise. He presented the statistics to the board and asked them to get on board and help make Tyler County Students more active.

The board had a delegation of three parents who asked the board to go into executive session to discuss personal matters. After about an hour the board returned to address the rest of the agenda without taking any action that appeared to be directly related to the executive session.

The staff report showed the monthly attendance report was normal, considering the amount of time missed with the delays and cancellations. Amanda Kimble reported on the Social Studies Fair Winners. She said there were seven individual first place winners and four group first place winners from all the schools in the county. These winners would be participating in the Regional Social Studies Fair at Parkersburg High School Field House on March 21. Tyler County would have a total of 11 projects and 18 students eligible to participate in the event. Kimble also reported on the results of the ACT Explore Grade Eight test results.

The results showed that Tyler County students scored above the state average in each area tested. The ACT Plane Grade 10 scores were also above the state average in all areas and above the national average in four out of five testing areas. The test results cover Math, English, Reading, Science, and Composite. She said it is something about which Tyler County Schools can be very proud. The board members also commended the students on their success.

Kimble presented the board with a list of the County Math Field Day winners and also an update on the Tyler County Top Scorers at the Regional event in Parkersburg on March 11. The top Tyler County scorers are grades four to six, AJ Benzing; grades seven to nine, Luke Daugherty; and grades 10-12, Dylan Reynolds. Tyler County had four students who qualified as alternates for the state event. Ardynn Weekley was a second alternate for the grade four level. At the senior high level Dylan Reynolds, third alternate; Caroline Bantug, sixth alternate; and Chelsea Kehrer, eighth alternate.

Jeff Davis, treasurer for Tyler County Schools, presented the Budget Timeline: April 7, regular meeting; set levy rate meeting will be held on April 15; and the Budget workshop will be held April 22. Davis presented the financial audit for FIscal Year 2013.

Under the approval of requests: The board took no action on a request from Jessica Quinn for her children to be permitted to cross county lines in order to attend Tyler County Schools for the remainder of the 2013-2014 school year, and also for the 2014-2015 year.

Scott and Leticia Wall were granted approval for their children to cross county lines in order to attend Tyler County Schools for the 2014-2015 school year, pending approval from Wetzel County Board of Education.

Trip requests: Tricia Feldmeirer, AIB Principal, for Ben Thomas and Brandy Jones were granted permission to take a group of special education students to the 16th annual “Very Spectacular Arts” Festival at WVU-P on March 19, with bus for transportation; Joe Semple and Joyce Haggerty, TCHS and TCMS Art Instructors, were given permission to take 12 art students to the Clay Center in Charleston, W.Va., on April 4, to attend and participate in the Arts Alive Showcase, with bus for transportation. Matt Jennings, AIB Music Specialist, granted approval to take the after-school choir and percussion ensemble to Oglebay Resort and Conference Center in Wheeling on March 20, with bus transportation. They would be performing at the WV Music Educators Association State Conference. Gwen Davies served as chaperone.

Krista DeVaughn, SES Principal, for the fifth grade students, was given permission to attend the Annual Progressive Agriculture Safety Day at the Tyler County Fairgrounds on May 23, with bus for transportation. Darlene Koerber, HY-Y Advisor, requested, and received, permission to take 11 students to Youth in Government in Charleston from April 25-27, with bus for transportation. She also requested professional leave for herself and Susan Gilbert.

Bryce Negie, choir director, was given the go-ahead to transport four students in his personal vehicle to Wheeling on March 20-22 for the WV All State/Children’s All State Choir/MENC Conference. Mary Ritz, SES Teacher, was allowed to take the first grade students to the Smart Center in Wheeling on May 9, with bus for transportation.

Personnel Request: Cindy Fulks, Autism Mentor, was granted a long-term unpaid leave of absence per Tyler County Policy GM, when all earned leave has been exhausted.

Personnel, Employments and Transfers approved: Jeff Davis, Treasurer, for the 2014-2015 school year; Susan Boyles, Executive Director of Curriculum and Instruction, for the 2014-2015 school year; Duane Dober, Director of Human Resources, Federal Programs and Student Services, for the 2014-2015 school year; Amanda Kimble, Director of Child Nutrition, Support Services, and Safety; Troy Smith, Director of Transportation and Maintenance; Melinda Walton, Director of Special Education, Attendance, Social Services, and Preschool

Re-employment of probationary professional employees: Mandy Ware, David Tucker, Abby Robinson, Tanya Cross, Tab Mathis, Maggie Fisher, Chad Gruber, Angela Watts, Stefanie Suter, Krista Jones, Mandy Fetty, Jacob Myer, Jeffrey Wittmer, Lori Franks, Abram Negie, and Amy Yost.

Re-employment of probationary service employees: Stacy Roberts, Kenneth Thomas, Aundie McMullen, Martin Parrish, Joe Kester III, Stephanie Higgins, Sandra Cochran, Shawna Griffin, and Brendan Negie, approved,

Approval was given to issue professional continuing contracts to Cynthia Di Luca, Ashley Moore, David Smith, David Chapman, Brian Bailey, Sarah Haught, Benjamin Thomas, and Jerrod Zwick. Approval to issue continuing contracts to service personnel James Slider, DiAnna Stewart, Julie Williamson, and Cassie Long.

Paula Lang, Contracted Vision Services for the remainder of the 2013-2014, school year, was approved, Approval to employ Amy Yost, Student Council Advisor, AIB Elementary School, effective July 1.

The board approved the authorization for payments of bills. The next regular scheduled meeting of the board will be April 7, at 7:30 p.m. at the Tyler County Board of Education Office located at Tyler Consolidated High School.

A motion was made to go into executive session under item 9, as per the School Laws of WV 6-9A-4, “Matters involving or affecting the purchase, sale, or lease of property, advance construction planning, the investment of public funds or other matters involving competition which, if made public, might adversely affect the financial or other interest of the state or any political subdivision”

In accordance with WV Code 11-8-12A, this March 17 meeting needs to stand unadjourned and continue on the third Tuesday of April-April 15.