PC to consider part time raises
At the Dec. 2 Paden City Council meeting, council determined to hold a special meeting on Thursday, Dec. 12, at 6 p.m. in order to discuss possible raises for part-time employees. Figures will be presented at the meeting.
Councilmen Dan Probst and Tom Trader both agreed that part-time employees need a raise. Councilman Rick Casteel said he will be comparing information and would like for all employee wages to stay “on par.”
At the Dec. 12 meeting, council will also discuss an ordinance regarding the Paden City Development Authority (PCDA). Mayor Hopkins described outdated sections and inconsistencies with the current city ordinance, which serves as the PCDA’s charter.
Under Park and Pool, Mayor Hopkins reported that the paperwork had arrived for a Community Participation Grant.
“We’re going to apply for the max we can get,” he said of the grant.
Paden City Recorder Tami Billiter reported that the city has received its annual $2,000 payment from Corning Inc. That contract was made in regards to hazardous waste materials the company disposed of decades ago in what is now Paden City’s Industrial Park. Because the chemicals cannot be removed from the ground, the city uses the funding from Corning to maintain a fence surrounding the area and have the police department monitor the area.
Mayor Hopkins announced that patching of streets would be done soon and the emergency paving of Seventh Avenue, approved at the last meeting, should be completed soon.
The council and City Attorney Carolyn Flannery discussed possible ways to facilitate the removal of the burned house on South Third Ave. Because the city does not own the house, which has become a hazard and a reported nuisance to those who live near it, it has not been able to demolish what remains of the building.
The November report for Paden City Volunteer Fire Company listed two structure fires, two assists in motor vehicle accidents, one EMS assist, and two service call responses.
Councilman Probst relayed citizens’ praise to the maintenance crew for fixing a water leak on Thanksgiving. They reportedly spent five hours making the necessary repairs to get the water running again. He reported that people were pleased with their work.
“I’ve had eight different people approach me wanting to thank our maintenance department for their work on that day,” he said. “They’re very pleased.”
“When they need to be out there, they’re out there,” said Councilman John Staggers.
Paden City Recorder Tami Billiter explained that the city can no longer provide gift cards or mark payments as Christmas Bonuses. Instead, they will be giving a salary adjustment of $135 for full-time employees and $65 for part-time employees.
Council entered executive session to discuss matters related to the police department. No action was taken upon resuming the normal meeting.
Other approved items included: the paying of city bills, minutes of the Nov. 4 regular meeting, the final raise increment for the maintenance crew under an ordinance passed in 2012, and the raising of a charge for police department accident reports from $15 to $35.