BOE approves salary increase resolution
The Tyler County Board of Education approved a resolution during their meeting Monday evening to support a salary increase for all school personnel in West Virginia.
Superintendent Robin Daquilante acknowledged Judi Hamrick, representing the Tyler County Education Association. Last month Hamrick presented the board with information regarding teacher and school staff pay in the state of West Virginia.
In presenting the resolution to the the board, she stated professional educators and service personnel are the most critical ingredient in providing the children of West Virginia with a world class education opportunity. A quality public education system is the key factor for future economic development in West Virginia and providing competitive salaries and fringe benefits are instrumental in retaining and recruiting highly trained personnel in the education profession.
The resolution read, “West Virginia institutions of higher education graduate far more educators then seek employment in West Virginia public schools and in the next five years over 50 percent of our current educators are eligible to retire. West Virginia average teacher salaries have dropped from 30th in the nation in 1993 to 48th in 2013, just 20 years later. The average teacher salaries in West Virginia are $9,778 below the national average and are not competitive with our border states. West Virginia is $17,116 behind Pennsylvania, $18,860 behind Maryland, $11,687 behind Ohio, $3,464 behind Virginia, and $3,921 behind Kentucky and getting farther behind each year.
“Now therefore be it resolved that the Tyler County Board of Education supports the adoption of a multi-year salary increase for all school employees, both professional and service, and be it further resolved the Superintendent of Tyler County Schools shall communicate this support to the Governor, Senator’s and Delegates who represent Tyler County, of this action taken by the Board of Education of Tyler County.”
Under communications, Amanda Kimble presented the board with a chart showing the results of the Grade Eight ACT Explore scores compared to the national average and the Grade 10 ACT Plan scores compared to the national average.
She stated she was just reporting on how they performed and on all areas, both grades eight and 10 we are above average. She explained the county-to-county comparisons are not available yet and they usually come out in February or March. She will share them with the board when they are available. She said that Tyler County usually does very well and last year the eighth graders were third overall and the 10th grade ACT Plan was in a two-way tie for fourth. She anticipates the scores being right where they need to be again this year.
Under staff reports: Kimble, who is also Safety Director of Tyler County Schools, addressed the board concerning The Tyler County Schools, Crisis Response Plan. She presented the board members with a flip chart outlining the duties and actions to be taken in the event of an emergency or crisis. She stated that 2011 legislation required that all schools develop a school crisis plan. She said Tyler has one in place, but the West Virginia Department of Education wanted a unified plan-one where everyone would be on the same page. They hired a company called Patriot Services who worked in all 55 counties. They came in and did a site survey, gathering all the information about Tyler County. They put it all together and compiled it into a huge binder which goes to the principals’ offices. In this binder is everything you need for any kind of crisis, they also work hand in hand with the first responders, making sure all are on the same page. Office of Emergency Services Director Tom Cooper would be able to access the information he needs for any emergency directly from his office. All the information is in the ACAMS system.
“I have been working hand in hand with the principals for the last two years and we have put together flip charts for all the teachers,” said Kimble. “They have all the information they need for quick reference in the event of an emergency. We want to make sure that we all know exactly what to do in a crisis or lockdown situation.”
The board commended Kimble on her hard work and for the extra effort in preparing the flip charts for the teachers and school personnel.
Approval was given for trip requests to Pamela Stolllings, Tyler Consolidated High School Counselor, to take all sophomores to tour the Mid-Ohio Valley Technical Institute on Dec. 5, with buses for transportation. Wayne Smith, band director, was given approval to take select members of the TCMS and TCHS Bands to the West Virginia Northern Region Honor Band on Jan. 17 and 18, 2014, at Wheeling Park High School, with bus for transportation.
Other requests: Approval was given to Kenneth and Tammy Barker for their children, Hannah, Brianna, and Nicholas Barker, to be released from Tyler County Schools for the 2013-2014 school year, pending approval from Pleasant County Board of Education. Jack and Pam Stollings were given approval for their children, Madison Grace and Nathan Paul Stollings, to cross county lines in order to attend Tyler County Schools for the 2014-2015 school year, pending approval from Pleasants County Board of Education.
Under personnel: Bob West was approved as assistant football coach at Tyler Consolidated High School for the 2014-2015 season.
Personal leave was granted to Merit Grimes under the family leave act.
Authorization was given for the payment of bills and approval of the minutes of the Nov. 18 regular meeting.
The next regular meeting will be Jan. 6 at 7:30 p.m. at the Tyler County Board of Education Office, located at Tyler Consolidated MIddle/High School.