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TCDA reelects officers

By Staff | Jan 30, 2013

During the Jan. 17 meeting of The Tyler County Development Authority and Planning Committee, members unanimously reelected officers. The officers for 2013 are as follows: Barbara Vincent, president; John Hopkins, vice president; Ronald George, secretary; and James McMullen, treasurer. The TCDA also took a moment to welcome new member Teri Botkins to her first official meeting as a board member,

The Tyler County Planning Committee discussed the upcoming bicentennial. The committee is preparing to send letters to local organizations in the county asking for their input.

The TCDA discussed purchases and upcoming purchases of land in the Bens Run Industrial Park. The authority received payment from Steve Simpson and Associates for purchase of two acres within the Ben’s Run Industrial Park. The company is also in negotiations with the authority to purchase a 34,000-square-feet building and 20 acres of land in the former Strategic Environmental, Inc. site. The authority is presently purchasing the property from SEI.

Additionally, Proviron Inc. is purchasing two additional acres of land within the Bens Run Industrial Park to add to their three-acre site.

In other business, the minutes for the Nov. 15 meeting were approved. The 2012 audit was completed for the TCDA, which was a clean audit with no findings. The next meeting of the Tyler County Development Authority and Planning Committee will be held on Feb. 21 at the Tyler County Courthouse.