BOE discusses security
The Tyler County Board of Education is located inside Tyler Consolidated High School/Middle?School.
During the Jan. 22 meeting of the Tyler County Board of Education, Superintendent Robin Daquilante updated the board regarding the security meetings. Since the Newtown, Conn., incident, Daquilante has been meeting with all employees and coaches to review security protocol. She is also looking to identify priorities for security and ways to utilize grant money if they should receive any.
The board approved to hire Murray Sheet Metal for the HVAC Emergency Needs Project at TCMS/TCHS. The project is estimated to cost around $900,000 and is funded in part by the School Building Authority. The project will consist of adding air conditioning to the TCHS/TCMS gyms and replacing insulation. This will help alleviate problems with humidity during the summer months.
The following requests were approved:
Wayne Smith requests approval to take select TCMS students to the W.Va. State Band Festival on April 19 with buses for transportation.
Wayne Smith requests approval to take select students from TCHS Band to the W.Va. State Solo and Ensemble Contest at West Liberty State University on Feb. 2. Transportation will be provided by Mr. Smith.
Wayne Smith requests approval to take select students to W.Va. All-State Band/ Orchestra in Charleston on Feb. 28 and March 1. Transportation will be provided by Mr. Smith.
Wayne Smith requests approval to take the TCHS Jazz Band to Sistersville Elks Club to perform on March 31 with a bus for transportation.
Wayne Smith requests approval to take the TCHS Concert Band to the W.Va. State Concert Band Festival at John Marshall High School on April 18 with buses for transportation.
Wayne Smith requests approval to take the TCHS Marching Band to the Sistersville Alumni Parade on May 25 with bus for transportation.
Wayne Smith requests professional leave for Feb. 11 and 12 to conduct the Cabell County High School Honor Band. He also requests professional leave for Feb. 28 and March 1 to attend the W.Va. Music Educators Conference as the Secretary/Treasurer of the W.Va. Bandmasters Association.
TCMS Cheerleading Coach Abby Robinson requests permission for the TCMS cheerleaders to compete in the Liberty High School Cheer Classic Competition on Feb. 2 in Clarksburg and the Paden City Spirit Competition on Feb. 16. Transportation will be provided by Ms. Robinson and the athletes’ parents.
TSA Advisor J.C. Kimble requests permission for approximately 60 students to attend the Technology Student Association’s Spring Conference at Cedar Lakes on March 21-23 with buses for transportation. Additionally, he requests professional leave for him and two chaperones, if needed.
Under personnel, the board employed Richard Long as the Head Girl’s Track Coach for Tyler Consolidated MIddle School. His employment became effective on Jan. 23. The following resignations were approved and will become effective June 30: Pam Delauder, First Grade Teacher, AIB; Judy Grace, Math Teacher, TCHS; and Paula Keplinger, Science Teacher, TCMS. In addition, TCHS Physical Science, Biology and Chemistry I Teacher Warren Stewart is resigning. His resignation will be effective on June 4.
In other business, the 2013 TCHS Track schedule was approved along with the minutes of the Jan. 7 meeting.
The next meeting of the Tyler County Board of Education will be Feb. 5 at the Tyler County Board of Education Office located inside Tyler County High School at 6:30 p.m.