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Middlebourne Council to hold Nominating Convention

By Staff | Jan 16, 2013

At the Jan. 14 meeting of the Middlebourne Council, Mayor Gayla Fisher informed members of the upcoming town election that will be held on June 11. Council positions that are open are mayor, recorder, and five council seats.

The Nominating Convention for the election is on Jan. 16 at 9 a.m. Any person wishing to attend to nominate a citizen for office may do so at the convention or between Jan. 14 and Jan. 26. Citizens that are nominated will be notified by the Town of Middlebourne.

Any citizen wishing to run for an office may do so by filling out a Municipal Candidates Certificate of Announcement Form and paying a $5 filing fee at the city building between Jan. 14 and 26.

If citizens who are nominated or those who have filed choose not to run, they will have until Feb. 12 to submit a written withdrawal. Otherwise their names will be printed on the ballot.

Council will meet April 2 at 9 a.m. to conduct a uniform drawing of ballot positions.

On Dec. 18, the council held a workshop with representatives of the District 6 Division of Highways in Moundsville to discuss an upcoming bridge replacement near Middlebourne. The bridge in discussion is located near Sellers Run Road. The DOH is requesting to purchase right of way on property owned by Middlebourne.

During the workshop, the council voiced concerns regarding the water and sewer lines located around the property. The main concern is that the utility lines will be damaged due to vibrations or shifting of the ground from use of the heavy equipment. Because these concerns were not addressed to their satisfaction, council tabled the discussion at this time. All future communication with the DOH regarding this project will be handled by City Attorney Gary Rymer.

In a different matter regarding the aforementioned property, the council approved to pay Gary Midcap $900 to remove the timber from the land.

Attorney Rymer informed the council that the heirs of Hallie Swan Haught wished to donate property from her estate to the Town of Middlebourne. This property was donated to benefit the Middlebourne Library. Haught formerly owned the library site and was responsible for the creation of the Middlebourne Library.

In other business, the minutes of the last meeting were read and approved by the council. The members present included Dave Farhatt, Rodney Miller, Doug Doak, Dave Myers, Vera Henthorn, Mayor Gayla Fisher, Treasurer Tina Jones, Recorder Suzanne Farhatt, and City Attorney Gary Rymer.

The next meeting of the Town of Middlebourne City Council will be held on Feb. 11 at 7 p.m. at the City Building.