4-H Knight Riders elect 2012-13 officers
The Knight Riders 4-H Club held their monthly meeting on Nov. 27 at Tyler Consolidated High School Home Economics Room.
The meeting was called to order by President Hope Stewart at 3:40 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Laurel Taylor. The 4-H Pledge was led by Joe Greathouse.
Installation of officers was held in the beginning of the meeting due to members having other commitments. Officers were installed by Assistant Leader Kathy Dalrymple-officers installed were President Hope Stewart, Vice President Laken Curtis, Secretary Miranda Taylor, Reporters Tabitha Turner and Rebecca Bolin, Song Leader Alex Greathouse, Game Leaders Kellsi Anderson and Lunden Wagner, Health Officers Jessica Kimble and Makenzie Kimble and Scrapbook Haley Stewart. Members repeated their lines and sang a song.
Reflections was read by Laken Curtis which was a poem titled “All Around.”
Roll call was having members tell one thing they are thankful for this year. We had 25 members and four adults present at the meeting.
Secretary minutes were read by Secretary Miranda Taylor. A motion to accept the minutes was made by Tabitha Turner and seconded by Lunden Wagner. Motion carried.
Treasurer Report was presented by acting Treasurer Ryan Dalrymple. For Turkey Bingo, a total of $608 was raised and thanks goes out to everyone who helped with the fundraiser. Leader Lucy Greathouse reported that all the bills have been paid. A motion was made by Makenzie Kimble to pay Ama Rocketeers $25 for our part on paying Patty Jones for helping at the November fundraiser. The motion was seconded by Alex Greathouse. There was a discussion on getting new signatures on the bank card as soon as possible. A motion to accept the Treasurer Report was made by Miranda Taylor and seconded by Laken Curtis.
In old business, the club discussed the Turkey/Steak Fundraiser Dinner, Officer Training, Camp Clean Up, Market Steer Weigh In and club meeting.
In new business, there was a discussion of enrollment packets. They need to be turned in as soon as possible to Lucy. Also, the club held a discussion about community service activities for the month of December. A motion was made by Haley Stewart to have club involvement in doing fruit baskets, cookie trays and canned food drive. The motion was seconded by Joe Greathouse. The dates set were as follows: Dec. 11-Fruit Baskets, Dec. 13- Cookie Trays and Dec. 20-Canned Food Drive deadline.
A motion was made by Ryan Dalrymple for the club to have a pizza party at the next 4-H meeting in December. The club will buy the pizza and members will bring a snack for the meeting.The motion was seconded by Sierra Eddy.
A discussion was held about attending the Christmas Middlebourne Parade on Dec. 7. The motion was made by Damien Curtis and seconded by Haley Stewart to be involved in both parades.
Kathy Dalrymple discussed cleaning the cemetery behind the old school soccer field. She explained about mowing, pulling weeds and setting the stones back up to look better. The club discussed contacting other clubs and taking turns keeping it clean.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:55 p.m. The motion was made by Casey Shanabarger and seconded by Joe Greathouse.