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Voters to decide if levy will stand

By Staff | Dec 12, 2012

Tyler County voters will be asked on Saturday to decide whether or not to continue the levy as it is now and continue to improve upon the education Tyler County children are now provided or to reduce the local tax amount and reduce the educational programs and services available.

This levy election is for a five-year renewal for day-to-day operating expenditures of the school system. It is a continuation of the same levy rates that have been in effect since 1949. They are as follows: Class I property, 22.95 cents; Class II property, 45.9 cents; Class III property, 91.8 cents, and Class IV property, 91.8 cents.

Since it is a continuation, passage of the levy would not mean additional taxes, just an agreement to keeping the current rates.

This levy would generate approximately $2.48 million per year for the students and employees of Tyler County Schools. This is approximately 16 percent of the total budget.

The money generated from this special levy is used to support a variety of programs and services for Tyler County students and employees, including the following: field trips; after school activity buses; evening activities coordinators; academic and athletic coaching; professional and service salary supplements; dental and optical insurance; employees in excess of the aid funding formula; free textbooks, workbooks, and instructional supplies; library books, newspapers, periodicals, and supplies; technology (computers, equipment, and maintenance); maintenance of facilities; transportation needs outside of the state aid funding formula; and copiers, supplies, and maintenance.

According to Tyler County Superintendent Robin Daquilante, the two major items funded through the levy are instructional supplies for students and technology needs such as software, hardware, and the maintenance of that technology.

All levies have been for five-year periods since 1967.

The polls are open from 6:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. Polling places, by precinct number are as follows: one, Valley Grange Hall; two, Middlebourne Fire Hall; three, Middle Island Health Clinic; four, Tyler Consolidated High School; five, Sistersville Church of Christ; six, Sistersville Methodist Church; seven, Shirley Fire Hall; eight, Wetzel-Tyler Health Department; nine, Wick United Methodist Church; 10, Boreman Elementary School; 11, Tyler Southern Baptist Church; 12, Alvy Community Building.