Board of Ed. opens bids for gym project
At the Dec. 10 meeting of the Tyler County Board of Education, the board announced that open bidding will begin for the HVAC project in the gym on Dec. 19.
The project is estimated to cost around $900,000 and is funded in part by the School Building Authority. The project will consist of adding air conditioning to the TCHS/TCMS gyms and replacing insulation.
This will help alleviate problems with humidity during the summer months.
Minor changes were made to the Tyler County Schools Organizational Chart. The chart represents the chain of command within the central office.
Positions in the chart were made lateral to prevent any future confusion.
In employment matters, the board approved Abby Jo Robinson as Head Cheerleading Coach for TCMS. This became effective on Dec. 3. In addition, Tiffanie Halick and Emmalyn Rucker were approved as Countywide Substitute Teachers, both effective on Dec. 11.
The board accepted the resignation of Robert Caldwell as Special Education Teacher, SAT Coordinator, and Evening Events Coordinator at TCHS. Caldwell’s resignation will go in effect on Dec. 14.
The following requests were approved:
- Director of Support Services Amanda Kimble requested that the A.I. Boreman fourth and fifth grade students be permitted to participate in the Tyler County Math Field Day Event at Sistersville Elementary School on Dec. 13 with bus for transportation.
- Tyler Consolidated High School Band Director Wayne Smith requested approval to take five students to Fairmont State University on Jan. 4 to audition for the W.Va. All State Band. Transportation will be provided by Smith.
- TCHS Choir Director Clara Glover requested permission to take selected members of the TCMS Choir to perform Christmas Concerts at New Martinsville Health and Rehabilitation Center and Sistersville Genesis Care on Dec. 19 with a bus for transportation. Glover also requested permission to take the W.Va. All State Chorus members to a rehearsal at Glenville State College on Jan. 11 with a bus for transportation.
- Eric McKeever requests permission to use the Tyler Consolidated Middle School gym on Dec. 19 to hold a Youth Wrestle Tri-Match.
The following Tyler County School employees will be serving on the Standing Instructional Material Committees for the 2012-2013 school year: Drivers Education, Dave Chapman; Visual Arts, Joe Semple and Joyce Hagerty; Foreign Language, Jana Thomas; Science, John Hoyes, Paula Keplinger, Amy Yeater and Debbie Miller; Vocational Education, Leon Ammons, Robert Allen, J.C. Kimble and Connie Stewart; Mathematics, Steven Blake, Jill Wagner, Debbie Miller and Gina Crawford; English/Language Arts, Barbara Maston, Abbey Robinson, Jan Barnard and Rebecca Barth; Business Education, Janet Cline; Health/Wellness, John Knowlton, Darlene Koerber, Merrit Grimes and Cathy Boggs; Music, Matt Jennings, Brian Bailey, Clara Glover and Wayne Smith and Social Studies, Linda Yoho, Cathy Boggs, Angie Watts, Chad Gruber, Robert Jones, Tomela Paden, Jackie Long, Rhonda Spencer, Rebecca Thomas, Merritt Grimes, Susan Gilbert, Suzette Miller, Kristen Wince, Judy Thoburn, Dianne Cunningham, Harriet Gorby, Lisa Feldmeier, Rene Hickman, Scott Wall and Ed Underwood.
The board approved the minutes of the Nov. 26 meeting and paid the bills.
In order to discuss matters of personnel, the board entered into executive session.
The next regular meeting of the Tyler County Board of Education will be on Jan. 7 at the Tyler County Board of Education Office located inside Tyler Consolidated High School at 7 p.m.