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PC?Council holds last ‘12 meeting

By Staff | Dec 10, 2012

At its last regularly scheduled meeting of the year, Paden City Council discussed funds, changes to law enforcement, and repairs to city property.

Budget revisions were made to the police department to cover gasoline and new tires, as well as money to send an officer to the academy in the near future.

The council also spoke of hiring another full-time officer, which would put the police department at five.

“We feel we might be better serviced if we had another police officer on the force,” said Mayor John Hopkins.

He stated that it would be better to have another police officer full time rather than using part-time officers from other agencies, citing no grievances against part-time help but explaining that covering Paden City is not among their regular duties.

A new full-time police officer would have to be certified. The council and police department are still in the process of contacting potential officers.

In other police department news, the possibility of trading a K-9 cruiser insert to the Wetzel County Sheriff’s Office for a four-wheel drive vehicle was decided against for the time being; the council authorized the purchase of two Kevlar vests; and the contract for officers returning from police academy was modified.

The fire department will also receive funds for gasoline and to cover the final loan payment on a truck.

The money for these budget revisions and those to the police department will be taken out of the street repair fund. Recorder Tammy Billiter noted that the money is not coming out of the street paving fund.

“There are two separate street funds,” she said.

A one-time salary adjustment of $135 for full-time city employees and $65 for part-time city employees will go on the next pay period.

In other financial matters, the council went into executive session. Upon resuming the meeting, they made a motion to pass a dollar on the hour raise for the maintenance crew starting in January and increasing another 50 cents in July.

A motion to pay city bills was also carried.

Relating to the park and pool, much of the money for the Haunted Trail will be saved and put to use next year since it was cancelled because of rain from Hurricane Sandy. Two new swings were purchased and are being stored in the swimming pool building. FEMA will provide funds to fix damages to the roof on the pool house, the baseball field dugout, and batting cage; council is in the process of getting bids for some of these repairs.

The repairing of the waterline between Boston St. and Wetzel St. will be overseen by Public Works Superintendent Clifford Duke. The council also passed a motion to fund repairs to the generator running the water plant.

Older computers from the recorder and utility clerk’s offices will go to the maintenance building and water department after the new systems are up and running.

In new business, the council determined to draw up an ordinance to implement the already approved drug-testing policy pertaining to safety sensitive positions.

Also, on Dec. 14 the city building will be closed for the levy election.

Among tabled items were the discussion of a salary raise for and a revamping of the police department, putting an intercom system out front of the city building, and purchasing two additional security cameras.

The latest approved council minutes are posted on padencitywv.org.