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Three city employees resign

By Staff | Aug 8, 2012

Sistersville Mayor David B. Fox called an emergency meeting of the Sistersville City Council Friday after a rash of resignations were submitted by city employees last week.

Diana Mace, City Recorder, along with Kathy Klages and Patricia Soliday, part-time City Clerks, submitted their resignations, which Sistersville City Council accepted.

The Recorder’s position is appointed annually by City Council. The City of Sistersville operates under the WV Mayor-Council Plan, and according to code, “employees shall be appointed by the mayor or by his order in accordance with this chapter, but such appointments by the mayor or by his order may be made subject to the approval of the council.”

The emergency meeting was held to appoint an authorized signatory in order for the City of Sistersville to make necessary payment of bills. According to statute there must be two such signatories in order to approve payment of bills.

An authorized signatory is an officer or representative vested with the powers to commit the authorizing organization to a binding agreement. A signatory holds legal power delegated by an authoritative body to act as agents of the organization for general or specific purposes, such as payment authority, revenue authority, and spending authority. Mayor Fox is one authorized signatory for the city.

“We had bills that had to be paid today (Friday),” explained the Mayor. “We went through the state office and were given the okay to appoint a new person to the vacated (signatory) position. The emergency meeting was held to confirm that appointment. We now have two designated signers in place, as needed.”

“We have also been in contact with the West Virginia Municipal League and spoke to their organization about the situation,” said Fox.

“The city should run as well, or better, than ever,” commented Fox. “Hopefully, we can make a smooth transition in the department, without encountering any major issues.”

The City of Sistersville has appointed temporary workers to fill the vacancies and will post the jobs for bids in the very near future, said Fox. “At this point, there will be an a new appointment made for the Recorder’s position, and one or two clerks will be hired,” said Fox, adding,”The number of people hired will be up to city council to decide. They could decide to hire two part-time employees, or one full-time employee, to fill the clerk’s position.”