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Elks, Legion slated to honor American Flag

By Staff | Jun 13, 2012

Photo by Judy Light The Sistersville American Legion Post #67 will hold a flag retirement service Thursday at 1 p.m. Flags for retirement or disposal may be brought to the ceremony, or dropped off at the Post or the Tyler Star News.

Flag Day will be celebrated throughout the United States on June 14, the anniversary of the adoption of the National flag in 1777. This day is celebrated by giving honor to the national flag, by displaying them on houses as well as governmental buildings; and flag raising ceremonies.

The Sistersville Elks Lodge #333 will hold their annual Flag Day ceremonies at the Sistersville Veterans Park at 7 p.m.

When an American flag has served its purpose or is in disrepair, it should be destroyed, preferably by burning.

The Sistersville American Legion Post #67 will hold a flag retirement service at the Post on June 14 at 1 p.m., where unserviceable flags are retired and destroyed in a dignified service.

Anyone with flags to be disposed of can present their flag at this ceremony or drop them off at the Post at any time before Thursday.

Flags for retirement or disposal can also be dropped off at the Tyler Star News from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. today and between 9 a.m. and Noon the day of the service.