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Board of Ed holds meeting

By Staff | Dec 7, 2011

Tyler County Board of Education held its regularly scheduled meeting Monday evening at the board office. All members were in attendance. Board President Linda Hoover called the meeting to order for a moment of silence and the pledge of allegiance.

Minutes of the previous meeting were approved. Under communications, Superintendent of Schools Robin Daquilante informed the board she had received a letter from Rosanne Eastham of the Tyler County Public Library thanking them for their support and contribution.

In the Superintendent’s Report, the Contractual Arrangement for the Placing of Teacher Candidates and other school professionals between Marshall University and Tyler Co. Board of Education was voted on and approved by members.

Chris Amedro, ALOP instructor, (alternative learning opportunities program), updated board members on the status of his classes. Eighteen TCHS students and 10 TCMS students are currently participating in the program. Mr. Amdedro told the board he’d “had no complaints from staff” and that the program was working well.

President Hoover then called the meeting into an executives session to consider an issue under Item 3, WV school law WV 6-9A-4, regarding “the disciplining, suspension or expulsion of any student in any public school or any public college or university.” The executive session began at 7:05p.m. and the meeting was reopened to the public at 7:40 p.m. No decision was made available to the public.

Under personnel, the board accepted the resignation of Michele Burkhardt , effective June 1, 2012, and TCMS Principal Ed Stombock, effective Jan. 25, 2012.

Under personnel requests, it was approved for TCHS Suzette Miller be allowed to transport cheerleaders to the 2011-2012 events; maternity leave for an SES teacher beginning Jan. 3 through Feb. 10, 2012; and reimbursement to Jeff Davis for travel expenses for the SASBO Leadership Summit in Biloxi, MS, in January, 2012. Davis was one of three administrators chosen by the State of West Virginia to attend the meeting.

Personnel leave was approved as well as payment of bills. The meeting was then re-called into executive session to discuss, under Item 2, school law 6-9A-4, “the disciplining, resignation, discharge, dismissal or compensation of any public officer or employee, or other personnel matters, for the purpose of conducting a hearing on a complaint against a public officer or employee.” However, no details of the executive session were released to the public.