VOCA funds are awarded
Governor Earl Ray Tomblin has awarded Victims of Crime Act Assistance (VOCA) Grant Funds to 54 public and private non-profit agencies throughout the State. The Tyler County program is among those endorsed by the grant award.
The purpose of the Victim Services Program is to provide direct services to victims of crime. The program provides many services, some of which include assisting crime victims through the criminal justice process, making referrals to outside agencies and assisting in filing compensation claims through the West Virginia Crime Victims’ Compensation Fund.
In 2010-2011 the Victim Services Program served a total of 151 victims.This includes victims of violent, non-violent, domestically violent crimes.The program began in July of 2001 and over the last 10 years has served approximately 1,266 victims.
“Many victims are unaware this program exists,” stated Tyler County Victim Advocate Toni Vancamp. “Victims have rights, and its my job to educate them about these rights, and help assure they are afforded their rights.”
She added, “Going through the criminal justice system can become very stressful. This program tries to alleviate that stress and make their experience as positive as possible.”