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Deputies to patrol at Black Diamond race

By Staff | Aug 24, 2011

Sheriff Earl P. “Bob” Kendle, Jr., spoke to Tyler County Commission yesterday concerning an upcoming Tyler County Speedway event. Kendle informed commissioners Black Diamond 125 racing officials had obtained an event license to serve alcohol at the upcoming 3-day racing series. Gates open Thursday, Sept. 1, at 2 p.m. and the event runs through Saturday, Sept. 3.

The Black Diamond 125 features the “World of Outlaw” Late Model Series racers, with a total purse of over $180,000. It is billed as “America’s richest short track event.” Drivers from all over the United States will compete for the prize money.

Sheriff Kendle asked commission to grant permission for the TCSO to hired law enforcement support for the event. “The race creates a lot of revenue for Tyler Co.,” he said, “and we’ve had no problems, so far.”

“The crowd can easily exceed 10,000 people,” he explained. “I think it’s a good event. My only apprehension concerns the approval of the liquor license.”

“Also, this year the event will run during school hours,” he added. “We have to make sure the kids are safe.”

Kendle told commissioners he had contacted the liquor commission and requested compliance officers be provided as well. “We want people to have a good time,” said Kendle, “but we want everyone to behave responsibly.”

“The rescue boat is coming along well. If we needed to use it today, we could,” he also informed commission. “At this point we are in the process of installing the radio.”

“The housing facility for the boat is almost complete,” he added. “The building is up, electric is installed, and the fencing is in place.”

“Dominion is installing a security system,” he continued. “The water and gas is next to be hooked up. It’s a nice facility.”

Commission granted Kendle’s request to hire extra manpower for the event.

County Commissioners are weighing the pros and cons of implementing a Community Corrections Program (Day Report Program) in Tyler Co. Kevin Means, of the Doddridge Co. Day Report Center, spoke to the commission about how the system operates.

In 2009, a commission on prison overcrowding in the state recommended contracting supervised, special program services with day report centers as part of an enhanced program for appropriate (non-violent) offenders.

Tyler Co. Prosecuting Attorney D. Luke Furbee, who was present for the meeting, asked Means about fee collection from the participating offenders.

“I realize the legislature is attempting to shift the cost from the government to the responsible parties (convicted offenders),” said Furbee. “But many people aren’t paying, because these aren’t typically people of means.”

“It is difficult to collect the fees,” concurred Means. “It’s up to each county to set the fees,” he added. (Doddridge Co. charges a fee of $80 per month for the day report participants).

“It’s something we can consider,” said Commission President Charles “Pork” Smith. “I’d want the prosecutor, the sheriff’s office and the magistrates to take a look at the program. The decision should reflect their opInions.”

Means invited commissioners, the sheriff’s office, and other law enforcement officials to come to Doddrigde Co. to observe their program. Commissioners will consider implementing the program at a later date.

Commissioner John Stender addressed commission, noting that the Main Street Revitalization project was now underway.

“It was brought to my attention the posts in front of the magistrates office are rusted through,” said Stender. “McClanahan Construction, who is contracted for the Main St. project, quoted a price of $2,900 to replace the posts. We have to decide on this now, as they are currently under construction at the building.”

Commissioners approved the bid for the installation of new posts by the contractor. The posts will complement the overall design of the project, Stender added.

A letter requesting executors of an estate be removed was referred to the judiciary commission. A charge of mishandling funds prompted the request for removal.

County Commissioner Eric Vincent noted in his report the Mid-Ohio Valley Regional Council was in the process of purchasing a new van for the Senior Center. The purchase will be funded partly through grants and the balance will be funded through a low interest rate loan.

Vincent also brought up the subject of P-Cards, saying “this is just a reminder.” P-Card holders need to sign off on bills, keep their receipts, and keep expenses separate when more than one person is involved in a purchase.

“We have to be accurate when dealing with these cards,” he said.

Commission spoke at length with Steve Rawlings, the representative from the West Virginia Risk Pool Fund, about switching insurance coverage from their compensation provider, Brick Street,

Rawlings detailed the provisions covered by the WVRP policies available to Tyler County and presented commission with a summary of services and the actual numbers involved. Rawlings recommended commission wait until Oct. 1 before changing policies, if that is what they so desire.

“I would suggest you contact your current insurer and see what the penalties, if any, are involved in an early cancellation,” said Rawlings. “Some companies charge a ten per cent fee on the remainder of the premium.”

Rawlings also gave commission quotes to insure county volunteer workers. This policy is accident insurance only, he explained. Workers compensation is not available to volunteer workers. Two policies were presented to commission; one a $250,000 per year policy, and the other a $150,000 policy. The policies cost approximately $1,700 and $1,250 per year, respectively.

Commissioners are reviewing the WVRP’s submissions and will come to a decision before October 1.

In other matters, the exonerations, clerk’s report, and minutes of the previous meeting were approved, as well as election officials for the October 4 general election. Payment of bills was approved and the meeting was adjourned.

Attending commission meeting were: Eric Vincent, Charles Smith, John Stender, Sheriff Kendle, D. Luke Furbee, County Clerk Teresa Hamilton, Deputy Clerk Amy Glover, Assessor Jackson Hayes, Steve Rawlings, Kevin Means, and others.

A hearing was held after the meeting in the estate of William W. Mueller.