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Buck to reign over fair

By Staff | Aug 10, 2011

Keri Suter, the reigning fair queen, crowned Linda Buck as the 2011 Tyler County Fair Queen on Monday.

The 49th Annual Tyler County Fair kicked off Monday with opening ceremonies and pageantry. Among the evening’s festivities was the crowning of the 2011 Tyler County Fair Queen, Jr. Miss and the Prince and Princess.

Keri Suter, the reigning fair queen, crowned Linda Buck as the 2011 Fair Queen. She will reign over this year’s fair, compete in the annual Fairs and Festivals pageant next summer, and perform other duties throughout the year to represent Tyler County.

Linda is the daughter of Doug and Barbie Buck of Sistersville. She is a senior at Marshall University.

The first runner-up in the pageant was Logann Long. She is the daughter of James and Cassie Long of Middlebourne.

The 2011 Jr. Miss was crowned by reigning Jr. Miss Ariel Fish. This year’s Jr. Miss is Seminole Weekley, the daughter of Alan and Dessie Weekley of Friendly. The first runner-up was Mindy Bell, the daughter of Stephen and Tracey Bell of Friendly.

The 2010 Jr. Miss Ariel Fish poses with first runner-up Mindy Bell and 2011 Jr. Miss Seminole Weekley.

This year’s Prince and Princess are Beau Thomas and Madison Lovejoy. Beau is the son of Joe and Becky Thomas of Sistersville. Madison is the daughter of Cecil and Paula Lovejoy of Route 74, Pennsboro.

The newly crowned Tyler County Fair Prince Beau Thomas; Below. 2011 Tyler County Fair Princess Madison Lovejoy.