Students showcase talent

Caroline Bantug, a freshman at Tyler Consolidated High School, drew the design which was chosen as this year's official Arts Alive logo in April at the fifth annual arts showcase hosted by the WV Dept. of Education in Charleston. The title of the design is “We Are the Arts”. Youth Art Month was celebrated at Tyler Consolidated Middle and High School throughout the month of April. See the story and list of award winners on page 5 and photos of students and artwork on page 2 of the Tyler Star News.
The West Virginia Departmnt of Education hosted their fifth annual arts showcase, Arts Alive! The Best of West Virginia, was held on April 29 at the Clay Center in Charleston with Tyler Consolidated High School and Middle School students showcasing their talent.
Tyler Consolidated High School visual art teacher, Joe Semple, spoke during the program, discussing his students’ works as part of the main stage program.
The 2011 Arts Alive logo designer was announced to be Tyler Consolidated freshman, Caroline Bantug. Her design titled, “We are the Arts” was chosen as this year’s official Arts Alive logo depicting a trumpet, musical notes, ballet slippers, paint brushes and theater comedy/tragedy masks, encompassing all areas of the arts.
“We were extremely proud of Caroline,” Semple said. “I don’t think there is anything that young lady can not do when she puts her mind to it. She’s a very well rounded individual.”
“Joyce (Hagerty) and I were extremely proud of all of our students attending the program,” Semple continued. “We were selected to set up the displays and it went off without a hitch, the kids did a wonderful job. I can’t tell you how many positive remarks we heard on both their talent and their behavior. They did their school and communities proud.”
Youth Art Month was celebrated at Tyler Consolidated High and Middle School throughout the month of April. Projects were completed by students and voted on, with the following winners being announced (listed from first to third places):
Ceramics: Sarah Campbell, Marley Snider and Levi Henderson.
Assemblage: Caroline Bantug/Amanda Dawson; Devinn Moore/Chris Bungard; and Katherine Stone/Adam Cross/Nichole Richardson.
Wood Sculptures: Sophie Kinnard/Caroline Bantug; Devinn Moore; and Amanda Dawson.
Linoleum Block Designs: Toni Conger; Carissa Beaver and Marley Snider.
Pastel Still Life: Alexis Ebert
Pastel Portrait: Cheyenne Parker/Alexis Ebert
Collage Designs: Toni Conger; Alexis Ebert, Cheyenne Parker.
Color Multi-Media Design: Cheyenne Parker (first and second)
3-D Portrait Drawings: Marley Snider, Taylor Clem/Carrie Colvin, Kailey Beck.
Still Life Drawing: Alexis Ebert (first and second)
2-D Leaf Designs: Devinn Moore; Destiny Wayne; Sophie Kinnard/Austin Souders
Room Interior Designs: Marley Snider/Caroline Bantug; Amanda Dawson/Devinn Moore; Carrie Colvin/Dalton Wells/Carissa Beaver.
Negative Space Designs: Caroline Bantug/Austin Souders; Chelsea Kehrer; Chris Bungard.
Monochromatic Paintings: Sophie Kinnard/Devinn Moore; Caroline Bantug/Amanda Dawson; Hannah Phillips/Chelsea Kehrer.
Color Photography: Grist Mill (Nick Orr)/’57 Chevy (Allison Wable)/Tree cutters (Laken Curtis); Red Dump Truck in Weeds (Laken Curtis) Fall (Nick Orr)
Black and White Photography: Carissa Beaver, Riley Housel, Allison Wable/Mikayla Smith.
White Charcoal Drawings: Taylor Clem; Alexis Ebert/Marley Snider; Carrie Colvin.
Best of Show 2-D: Marley Snider
Best of Show 3D: Amanda Dawson
Governors Honors School for the Arts winners were Taylor Clem and Chad Brightwell.
Cheyenne Parker received the Arts Alive Congressional 2-D award. Her art will now be sent to Washington D.C. and remain in an area of a West Virginia Senator’s office for the next year.
“Again, another thing to be proud of with this selection,” Semple said. “For the past five years a Tyler Consolidated student’s work has been displayed here as a Congressional award winner.”
Art teachers at Tyler Consolidated, Joe Semple (TCHS) and Joyce Hagerty (TCMS), were presented a beautiful glass award at the Arts Alive! The Best of West Virginia program in Charleston. The award depicted the logo designed and drawn by student Caroline Bantug.
Art students Jaime Rhodes, Cheyenne Parker and Marley Snider were the winners of the Fair Book design. One design will be selected to grace the front cover while the other two will be placed inside the booklet.
Tyler Consolidated Middle School Art Show winners were also announced last week. Sixth grade winners include:
Tempera painting – Turtles: Mindy Bell/Macy Long; Isis Moore/Caleigh Eidel; and Samantha Boyd/Daniel Zarb Cousin.
Markers – Still LIfe of Bottles: Tabby Turner, Mya Ingram/Sunnie Leasure; Hunter Wells.
Cityscape collage: Sunnie Leasure, Kole Ferguson/Quiten Richmond; Sean Staats/Hunter Wells
Drawing – glue bottles: Madison West, Vanessa Templeton, Hali Fluharty.
Tempera paointing collages: Courtney Hoder/Seminole Weekley; Kalia Cline/Shayla Griffey/Taylor Vandruff; Trenton Shepherd/Levi Hudson.
Charcoal – fish: Tabby Turner/Sammi Yoho/ Skylar; Desirea Leek/Monica Rice; Ben Pratt.
Crayon – shaded insects: Wesley Baker, Jennifer Lynch, McKenzie Bradfield.
Pen and ink weavings – Taylor Vandruff, Madison West, Trenton Shepherd.
Seventh grade winners include:
Watercolor resist: Andrew Koher, Dillon Glover, and Bobby Dennis.
3-D paper fish: Austin Thompson, Andrew Koher, and Bobby Dinnis.
Mask: Ramie McAdams, Ty Pratt and Brianna Hartley.
Abstract city scapes: Journey Cathers, Andrew Koher, and Tyler Johnson.
Pen and ink sea shells: Remie McAdams/Justin Williams; Devon Harris and Journey Cathers.
Batiks: Kaleb Tanley, Julian Work, and Brianna Kurfis.
Colored pencil – Instrument still life: Casey Keller/Sydney White; Jeremy Lancaster, and Brittany Weekley.
Charcoal enlargements – Instruments: Kaleb Tanley, Julian Work, and Brianna Kurfis/Kole Starkey.
Contrasting Bottles: Miranda Reynolds, Bailey Roberts and Tiffany Jackson.
Pen and Ink Bottles: Miranda Reynolds, Jasmine Kyle, and Tiffany Jackson.
Eighth grade winners include:
Plaster spheres: Tiffany Spencer, Mason West, and Brooke Keys.
Acrylic paintings – Instruments: Abigale Warner, Bridget Matthews/Bryanna Munoz, and Brock Yeater.
Pen and ink fish: Johnathan Strother, Megan Wilson, and Cody Patterson.
Charcoal/Bottles: Bryanna Munoz, Leta Owens, Brandon Moore.
Marker/ink prints: Marissa Gogan, Celesta Beard, Taylor Hess.
Silk paintings: Aryn Carpenter and Sydney Yoho.
Texture Collages: Allison Keller, Lexie Smith, and Dan Grimm.
Glue/Gesso clothing: Megan Wilson and Sierra Mace; Christian Thomas and Levi Cochran; Joshua Minor and Nathan Haught.
3-D Landscapes: Sydney Yoho, Spencer Billings and Sarah Davis.
Oil Pastels: Megan Wilson, Johnathan Strothers, and Zack Cathers.
Colored pencils – Pencil design: Sydney Yoho, Elisha Brown, Kris Lashbrook.
Prints – black’n white: Haleigh Smith/Marissa Gogan, Taylor Hess and Brooke Keys.
Black’n white wooden bird: Allison Keller, Taylor Hess and Ryan Hubbard.
Best of show winners in each grade were: 8th grade – Tiffany Spencer and Abigal Warner; 7th grade – Miranda Reynolds and Kaleb Tanley; 6th grade – Seminole Weekley and Macy Long.