TCSO investigates wrecks
The following auto accidents were investigated by the Tyler County Sheriff’s Office this month:
– On April 2 at approximately 2:30 p.m., a 2007 Ford Focus driven by a minor from Middlebourne was traveling north on W.Va. 18 near Backyard Auto Body when the vehicle hydroplaned, went off the right side of the road and struck the hillside.
The vehicle was towed form the scene due to damages. No injuries were reported and no citations were issued.
– On April 4 at approximately 8 p.m., Robert M. Forrester, Jr. was traveling south on W.Va. 18 in a 2002 Ford F-150 when he struck a deer.
The driver swerved to miss the animal, hydroplaned, went off the left side of the road and struck a utility pole.
The truck was towed form the scene. No injuries were reported and no citations were issued.
– An accident occurred on April 4 at approximately 11:20 p.m. along W.Va. 18. A 2004 Chevrolet Cavalier owned by Marion King of Paden City and driven by Jeremy Swartzmiller of Sistersville was traveling south on W.Va. 180 when a vehicle traveling north crossed the center line. As a result, Swartzmiller was forced off the road, lost control and hit the guardrail.
A witness to the accident corroborated his story.
No injuries were reported and no citations were issued.