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SCSO plans for Spring activities

By Staff | Mar 9, 2011

A full slate of upcoming activities in the city were discussed when the Sistersville Community Service Organization met at the Wells Inn on March 2.

The list of activities includes: Sistersfest, March 18-19; Sistersville Lions Club Fish Fry at the Fire Dept., every Friday through Lent; Sistersville Lions Club, Treasure Sale, March 19 at the Miller’s Pharmacy building; Sistersville Easter Egg Hunt, April 23; SHS Alumni, May 27-28; Tyler County Relay for Life event, June 3 at the Sistersville City Park; Picnic in the Park, July 10; WV Oil and Gas Festival, Sept. 15, 16 and 17; Sistersville Christmas Parade, Dec. 2.

President of the SCSO, Barbara Vincent, announced that all needed documents are in order for the Fireworks display which will be held at the Picnic in the Park in July. Also the Mountain State Bluegrass Band has been secured for the entertainment during the festival. Individuals and groups are invited to set up food booths, craft booths, etc. for free during the Picnic in the Park.

Information on the Sistersville Easter Hunt was discussed at lenth. The Easter Bunny will be on hand to hide plastic eggs filled with candy at the Sistersville City Park on April 23 at 11:30 a.m. Three age groups of children will be able to participate in the egg hunt: ages four and under; 5-6-7 year olds and 8-9-10 year olds.

Plastic eggs will be filled with candy and a few will have slips of paper inside them naming prize winners per age group. There will be first, second and third place prizes given out in each age group.

Administrator of the Genesis Sistersville Center, Jody Mohr; Activities Director, Cindy Lewis; and temporary Admissions Director, Lisa Booth, were in attendance at the meeting, reporting on several activities at the Center including upcoming plans for a Mardi Gras party, St. Patrick’s Day party, and their overall “gearing up for Spring” activities.

Mohr spoke of the plans for “March Madness” activities for the staff and residents at the Center and explained the several types of therapies offered at the Center including physical, occupational and speech therapy. She was very complimentary of the success and progress of the dementia programming available at the facility as well.

The Genesis Sistersville Center received the American Health Care Association Bronze award in 2009 and was the only facility in West Virginia to be deficiency free. The Center is a 24 hour skilled nursing center which also provides short-term rehabilitation, physical, occupational and speech therapy among their many programs offered.

Executive Director of the Tyler County Development Authority, Eric Peters spoke at length about the Transient Boat Docks to be built near the Sistersville Walking Trail this summer. He said it is a project that has been in the works for a couple of years now. The Transient Boat Docks will be able to accommodate any water craft 28 feet or longer, and will be the only such facility on the Ohio River between Wheeling and Point Pleasant. It will give water craft traveling up and down the Ohio River a place to dock, which will hopefully encourage more recreational boating in the Ohio Valley and could provide a boost to local economy.

This project is a joint cooperation effort between the Port Authority, West Virginia Division of Natural Resources and the Tyler County Development Authority.

The West Virginia Public Port Authority develops the potential of intermodalism by combining highway, rail, and water transportation infrastructure to maximize overall economic advantages to business, industry, and the citizens of West Virginia.

They assist interested private or public parties in the development and operation of public port and intermodal facilities throughout West Virginia for economic and recreational enhancement and facilitates the development and empowerment of local port authority districts.

The Transient Boat Docks in Sistersville will be built at no cost to the City with $100,000 provided by the Boating Infrastructure grant program of the Fish and Wildlife Dept. of the U.S. Dept. of Interior. A matching grant of $25,000 was needed in order to secure the grant and those matching funds were provided by the WV Public Port Authority.

The Transient Boat Docks can support up to six water crafts at one time. The dock area will also feature a gazebo and will be located near the Sistersville walking trail.

“This has been a nice cooperative effort and an opportunity for federal, state and local agencies and offices to work together on,” Peters said.

The Tyler County Development Authority provides new and expanding businesses with an attractive array of assistance programs, including site selection, financing sponsorship, and workforce procurement and training.

He also reported that all work on the 1.1 mile walking trail is complete.

The Tyler County Relay for Life main event will be held at the Sistersville City Park on June 3. This event will be an all night event and held in Sistersville for the first time. It is hoped that residents will take advantage of the festival atmosphere and support the cause and the organization.

Vincent announced that 2010 was a very successful year for the SCSO. “2010 was a great year for us with lots of projects and lots of people and organizations involved,” she said.

“We sure appreciate everything that everyone has done to help us make our projects successful. We’re looking forward to the same cooperation for the rest of this year and hope that 2011 will be bigger and better with even more success.”

The new slate of officers for the year were also announced: Barbara Vincent, President; Carment Silliman, Vice President; Judy Light, Secretary; KayLynn Wells, Treasurer.