VanCamp remanded on meth charge

A Middlebourne man is facing drug charges after a search warrant exposed evidence of a clandestine drug laboratory at his Main Street residence.
According to Tyler County Prosecuting Attorney D. Luke Furbee and Sheriff Bob Kendle, a warrant was issued early on Feb. 18 by Chief Circuit Judge David W. Hummel, Jr. on an application by Deputy J.K. Maston.
John Mark VanCamp, 43, of 313 Main Street, Middlebourne was arrested after law deputies from the Tyler County Sheriff’s Office seized several items and pieces of equipment during the execution of the search warrant. These items were believed to be part of a clandestine drug laborotary collected for the purpose of manufacturing methamphetamine.
VanCamp was taken into custody and charged with the felony offense of operating or attempting to operate a clandestine drug laboratory and another misdeamnor offense. He is currently being held in the North Central Regional Jail in Greenwood, W.Va. in leiu of $105,000 bond.
According to Chapter 60A-4-411 of the West Virginia State Code, “any person who operates or attempts to operate a clandestine drug laboratory is guilty of a felony and, upon conviction, shall be confined in a state correctional facility for not less than two years nor more than 10 years or fined not less than $5,000 nor more than $25,000, or both.”
Officers also served a search warrant issued by Judge Hummel at 403 Fair Street, Middlebourne. This subequent warrant was issued in connection with the Main Street investigation, which is ongoing.
Members of the West Virginia State Police and Wheeling DEA assisted in the warrant service at both Middlebourne locations.
A criminal charge is a mere accusation and a person accused is presumed innocent until proven guilty in a Court of Law.