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Board addresses transfers, new employment Monday

By Staff | Feb 23, 2011

New employment and transfers of employment were decided at Monday night’s Tyler County Board of Education meeting.

Gene Rice was approved as head baseball coach for the 2010-2011 term at Tyler Consolidated High School, and Roger Smith was approved as assistant softball coach. Head cross country coach for TCHS will be Luke Reynolds. Clifford Warren was named head soccer coach.

Jesse Masters was named as Special Education Team Coordinator for Tyler Consolidated Middle School, effective immediately. Brandy Glover assumes the position of itinerant LD/BD/MI Autism Teacher at Tyler Consolidated High School and Tyler Consolidated Middle School, effective immediately. Jeff Watson was also hired as a Class II Water System Operator at Arthur I. Boreman Elementary School, effective July 1, 2011. Gina Crawford was approved for transfer from preferred recall list-countywide, to itinerant teacher for Intervention, Interventionist, and Diagnostician, at AIB and Sistersville Elementary, also effective July 21.

Requests approved by the board included a trip to West Virginia University-Parkersburg to participate in the 2011 Regional Math Field Day. Eight students will be attending, as well as staff members Judy Tice, Kathy Nedley, Amy Yeater, Colleen Folger, Debbie Miller, Brenda Matthews and Judy Grace.

Other requests approved were as follows: RAZE Club members to attend the Tobacco Free Day in Charleston on March 23; A.I. Boreman fourth and fifth grade choir to attend the Wheeling Symphony Orchestra on March 11; FBLA State Leadership Conference in Charleston on March 28-29 (eight students attending); and A. I. Boreman fifth grade students to Blennerhasset Island Historical Park and Museum on May 27.

The board accepted resignations from Amy Yost, substitute teacher countywide, effective immediately; and Gene Rice, assistant baseball coach, TCHS, effective immediately.

In the superintendent’s report, Robin Daquilante informed the board of a letter of thanks received from Switzerland of Ohio schools concerning the donation of school desks by the Tyler County Board of Education. Ms. Daquilante also noted that the cameras and digital recorders are ready to be installed at the grade schools and pre-k site. This project was funded through the Safe and Secure Schools grant. The safety measures have already proven effective, added Daquilante. “They are helping. We have already had two incidents caught on camera which were resolved,” she said. Board member Larry Thomas requested that a list of improvements be provided to the board for each school.

Also discussed at the meeting was the possibility of recycling paper products used by the schools. Board Member Ken Hunt suggested that a contact be made to gauge the benefits. “It could work out for us,” he told the board. “The company recycles just about everything, and it could cut costs incurred in disposal of the paper products.” The board agreed to investigate the feasibility of the recycling idea.

The minutes of Feb. 7 were read and approved by the board. In the attendance report, it was noted that the addition of two new kindergarten students requires that a substitute teacher be hired to work in the classroom with the most need, according to state guidelines.

Attending Monday evening’s meeting were: Superintendent Robin Daquiante and board members Larry Thomas, Linda Hoover, Dr. Ralph Boone, Ken Hunt, and Jimmy Wyatt.