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SCSO plans for holiday season

By Staff | Nov 17, 2010

Plans for the annual Sistersville Christmas Parade on Dec. 3 were the main topic of conversation at the monthly meeting of the Sistersville Community Service Organization on Monday. The parade will be held on Dec. 3 at 7 p.m. with parade participants lining up at the Sistersville City Park at 6:30 p.m.

The theme for this years parade is “The Sounds of Christmas”.

“We would love to have participation from as many groups, organizations, churches and businesses as possible,” said SCSO President, Barbara Vincent. “We encourage anyone and everyone to participate and let’s all work together to make this a wonderful holiday season.”

Any groups wishing to participate in this years parade are asked to contact Vincent at 304-652-2939 or Carmen Silliman at 304-652-2392.

Vincent said the SCSO also encourages local businesses to hold open houses in Sistersville during this holiday season. “We’d also like to see as many businesses as possible open during the Christmas parade,” she said.

Norma Jean Slider has been selected as the Parade Marshal this year for her diligent beautification work for the city. “Norma works very hard, all on her own, to bring some beauty to Sistersville,” Vincent said. “Many people don’t know the many things she does such as making sure the flowers in the planters in the town are planted and cared for each Spring and Summer, and cleaning the walking trail. She cares enough to do this, so we thought it was time all her work was recognized.”

Immediately following the parade, the Sistersville VFD will drop Santa Claus off to visit with children at the shelter at the City Park.

Sistersville Mayor, Dave Fox, reported that the Christmas light displays at the city park have been set up along with several new displays. He said the bridge along the walking trail will be decorated this year along a few displays along the river. “We”re adding a few more things each year and we have quite a collection now,” he said. Several displays and new lights have been donated to the collection.

In other business, Steve Leasure, SVFD Fire Chief , spoke to the group about the first responders program now in place at the Fire Dept. “When the ambulance is out of town, or on a run, it’s important that we be able to handle any situations that arise,” he said. “With this program in place, we are now able to handle things on our own while waiting for an ambulance to arrive.”

Leasure said the first responder program has handled seven such call-outs already.

He also reported that the Sistersville Volunteer Fire Dept. will be holding a blood drive on Dec. 13 from 12:30 – 6:30 p.m.

Charles Winslow, owner of the Wells Inn, spoke of the progress being made on the historic gem of the city. “Right now we have 19 rooms up and running during the renovation process,” he said. “There is still much work to do, but we are making progress.” Winslow said he hopes to have the “Tea Room” open within the next month.

“We’re moving forward,” he said. “We look forward to having all of the facilities in working order soon.”

Also reporting on renovations and progress at the Gaslight Theater, Winslow said activity would begin there as early as Dec. 18 with a children’s holiday play. Plans are in the making for the theater to host second run and classic movie events on a weekly or monthly basis. “In fact, we’re talking to a distributor about running classic movies or second run movies as a fundraiser for local groups,” he said. “They would sell the tickets and be able to make a profit from it and be able to enjoy it at the same time. We think it’s a fun and easy way to support the community.”

Lisa Fox, speaking on behalf of the Sistersville Community Theater, announced the sale of a CD of the most recent endeavor by the group, “The Odd Couple”. “Several people did not have an opportunity to attend the live performance,” she said. “And have asked if a CD version was available. We will have them available for sale soon, for $5 each, with all proceeds from the sales going to benefit the Jaycees “A Child’s Christmas”.” To purchase a CD, contact Fox at 304-771-1060.

Dave Fox said the progress continues to move ahead on the new Sistersville Dollar Store and More expected to open on Wells Street sometime in December. “We had hoped to be open by now, but things happen, and now we’re shooting for the middle of December,” he said.

Deloris Placer informed the group of the Food Pantry supported by the Ministerial Association. She explained how the Food Pantry came into existence, how it operates and the need it fills in the local area. “Ten churches are included now,” she said. “Gary Boyd had a good handle on this, and he’ll certainly be missed. But we’re pushing through and doing what we can to help those in need.”

A donation box has been set up at the Tyler Star News office at 727 Wells St. to collect canned food and non-perishable items for the Food Pantry. Monetary donations for the Ministerial Association can also be sent to or dropped off at the newspaper office.

“I like that it’s all done right here, for people here,” Dave Fox said.

“Yes, so do I,” Placer agreed. “We have so many people in need, and we truly need to see that they’re taken care of.”

The Wells Inn will be hosting a Turkey Trot 5K run/walk on Thanksgiving morning at 9 a.m., with all proceeds to benefit the Ministerial Association. Canned goods and non-perishable items will also be collected at this event to keep the Food Pantry stocked.

The Sistersville City Service Organization meets about once every other month and invites businesses owners and local organizations and groups to be a part of the group. Call Barbara Vincent at 304-652-2939 to join or for more information.