Board names Mason ‘O&G Man of the Year’

Kenneth R. Mason
The Board of Directors has chosen Kenneth R. Mason as the “2010 West Virginia Oil and Gas Man of the Year” for his outstanding achievements and leadership. On Saturday, Sept. 18, he will be honored at a luncheon and serve as parade Marshal for the “Grand Oil and Gas Trophy Parade.”
Kenneth R. Mason is President of Drilling Appalachian Corporation (DAC), with its corporate offices located in Alma, West Virginia. A native West Virginian, Kenny graduated from Valley High School in Wetzel County and is a 1975 graduate of West Virginia University.
He is a Director of the West Virginia Independent Oil and Gas Association (IOGA), of which he has been a member for over 20 years, and is Co-Chair of the Environmental and Safety Committee. Kenny is also a member of the West Virginia Oil and Natural Gas Association, and the Indpendent Producers Association.
His company, Drilling Appalachian Corporation was formed in 1984, and he has been drilling oil and gas wells in north central West Virginia since its inception. In his 30 plus years\ of experience in the oil and gas industry, Kenny has been involved in all phases of the business, designing, drilling and producing more than 350 wells in Tyler, Doddridge, Ritchie, Gilmer and Marion Counties. His company has received numerous awards for excellence in land reclamation and well site construction. Kenny attributes his success to his employees, the philosophy of doing a job right, and treating people fairly.
When asked recently, Mason said, “I am proud and privileged to be in the energy industry, here in West Virginia. We help provide America with the energy we need to heat and cool our homes and fuel for our cars. I feel that we provide a vital service to America and our state.”
Mason currently serves on the Board of Directors of Union Bank, a locally owned bank that has locations in Tyler, Wetzel, Pleasants and Ritchie Counties. He has served on the local Tyler County Planning Commission, Tyler County Fair Board, Senior Citizen Advisory Board, and Fire Departments. In addition, he is avidly interested in providing educational opportunities for children and young adults.
In 2007, Mason developed a student-oriented oil and gas well project to benefit West Virginia University, both academically and financially. His support of various area schools ranges from athletic programs to scholastic programs, as well as FFA student programs, 4-H, Little League and many others.
His company is currently part of the “Partner in Education” program with Boreman Elementary School, a local school in Tyler County.
Mason and his wife Jennifer reside on their farm in Alma.