Weekend fun set

There will be children’s activities, including jump castles and water slides at the annual Valley Praise Fest slated for this weekend.
The Rev. Dr. David Kelly and the congregation of Faith Fellowship Church in Reader, invite the public to join them for a weekend of “fun in the son” at annual Valley Praise Fest.
The two day event will kick-off on Saturday, Aug. 28 with praise and worship, southern gospel, bluegrass and contemporary christian music slated throughout the day. Additionally, there will be activities for children including jump castles, water slides and games.
Food and drinks will be provided at no cost.
Bring a lawn chair and enjoy good music and great fun.
Then, on Sunday, Aug. 29 at 10 a.m., Faith Fellowship will present Gordon Jensen in concert.
Faith Fellowship is located In Reader at the bottom of Eight Mile Ridge.
For questions or directions to the event call 304-386-4336.