Two mentors from the Middlebourne site, Susie and Cailin Prunty also attended the meeting."/>
Two mentors from the Middlebourne site, Susie and Cailin Prunty also attended the meeting."/> Board handles light agenda | News, Sports, Jobs - Tyler Star News
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Board handles light agenda

By Staff | Aug 4, 2010

The Tyler County Board of Education handled a light agenda on Monday, as Judi Hamrick, site coordinator for Energy Express attended the meeting to give the news of the success of this year’s Energy Express.

“We had the maximum amount of kids this year which is 40 at each site and they did very well,” said Hamrick. “We worked more on the writing this year than the last.”

Two mentors from the Middlebourne site, Susie and Cailin Prunty also attended the meeting. This was the first year the two worked as mentors for Energy Express and they both said they would gladly do it again next year.

Both mentors are studying elementary education.

Hamrick commented on how smoothly everything went at the sites that Energy Express was held this year. The Sistersville site was held at the United Methodist Church and Middlebourne site was housed at the Indian Creek Southern Baptist Church.

Hamrick said both sites worked out very well. “People at the churches were very cooperative and it worked out very well.”

Fritz Lowe once again attended the board meeting to give an update of the HVAC project.

“Things have really progressed in the last two weeks,” said Lowe.

Board member Ken Hunt said he took a tour and said he was very impressed with the clean work site. Lowe stated he has worked with Johnson Boiler in the past and they have always done a good job.

President Linda Hoover thanked Lowe for overseeing the project and keeping them updated on the progress.

Hoover stated they received letters from Roseanne Eastham, director of Tyler County Public Library and Heather Weekley, director of Sistersville Public Library thanking the board members for their support.

The next regular meeting will be held at 7 p.m. on Monday, Aug. 16 at the Tyler County Board of Education Office located inside Tyler Consolidated High School.