Daquilante is sworn in

Robin L. Daquilante was sworn in as the new superintendent of Tyler County Schools at the most recent Board of Education meeting. (Photo by Heather Smith)
The new Superintendent of Tyler County Schools took over her duties and presided her first Board of Education meeting on Tuesday, July 6. Robin L. Daquilante was sworn in and received the oath of office by Treasurer Jeff Davis.
She began her career in Tyler County in 1979 as a fourth-grade teacher at Sistersville Elementary School, a position she held for seven years.
After leaving Tyler County for a short time, Daquilante returned to Sistersville in 1987 as a third-grade teacher. She then joined the faculty in opening Tyler Consolidated Middle School in 1993 where she taught for 13 years before becoming the principal at S.E.S. She served as principal for four years.
Daquilante received her undergraduate and Masters degree from Salem College.
Under communications, board members Jimmy Wyatt and Ken Hunt stated that they received several letters from the 4-H students thanking them for their support during this year’s camp.
Fritz Lowe attended the meeting again informing the board members of the new energy project and to give them some updates. He stated at the last meeting held on June 21, the contractor from Johnson Boiler had been working 10 hours a days, six days a week on the project. After the meeting, the contractor began working 10 hours per day, seven days a week and was working eight hours days on the weekends.
Lowe stated that the Middlebourne Preschool Center is ahead of schedule and should be done by Aug. 15.
“I’m really impressed with the contractor,” said Lowe. “He’s been down here just about every day.”
Alan Hamrick, site coordinator for Energy Express, also attended the meeting to give an update on the new sites for Energy Express. He informed them they recently received a check in the amount of $1,100 from the Five Promises for Children’s Foundation out of Charleston for the Sistersville site.
In the past, Energy Express was held at Sistersville Elementary and Arthur I. Boreman Elementary Schools. This year, they are being held at area churches. Hamrick told the board members that the new sites are working out very well and they have not had any problems so far.
Duane Dober, director of personnel, announced to the board that Alan and Judi Hamrick received the Outstanding Site Coordinators Award for all the hard work they have done to keep the Energy Express going.
Mr. Hamrick said that each site has 40 kids and that’s the limit.
In other business, the 2010 Golf, Cross Country and Wrestling schedules were approved by the board.
The following employments were approved for the 2010-11season: Wendy Pittman for substitute teacher, countywide; Gene Rice, Assistant Baseball Coach for Tyler Consolidated High School; Sue Skinner for Assistant Varsity Cheerleading Coach at TCHS; Roger Smith for the Assistant Girls Basketball Coach and Assistant Girl’s Volleyball Coach for both TCMS; Clifford Warner for Head Girl’s Soccer Coach for TCHS; Cathy Boggs for Assistant Softball Coach for TCHS; and Luke Reynolds as Head Cross Country Coach for TCHS.
The next regular meeting of the Tyler County Board of Education will be held at 7 p.m. on Monday, July 19 at the Tyler County Board of Education Office located on the campus of Tyler Consolidated High School.