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Middlebourne conducts regular Council Meeting

By Staff | Jun 23, 2010

According to Middlebourne Mayor Gayla Fisher, the Town of Middlebourne has entered into a contract with Earthtec Enivornmental Services, LLC.

EES has a background and experience with environmental consulting, environmental permit management, contract operation of wastewater treatment systems, etc. and is willing to provide services to the Town of Middlebourne.

The intent of this contract is for Earthtec Environmental Services to provide oversight of the wastewater treatment facilities by a Class III or Class IV Wastewater Treatment Works Operator as defined and certified by the State of West Virginia. The sanitary sewer department personnel management including but not limited to daily direction of work force, scheduling, etc. in accordance with the City’s personnel policies. They will assist in the water treatment department personnel management including but not limited to daily direction of work force, scheduling etc. in accordance with the City’s personnel policies.

Direct the operation and maintenance activities of the City’s wastewater treatment plant, lift stations, and collection system, serve as the City’s liaison with any future plant upgrade projects for the like of this contract, work with the engineer and contractor throughout construction period to protect the City’s interests with due diligence.

They will also enforce the City’s sewer use ordinance in a customer friendly manner while protecting the City’s sanitary sewer system, treatment facility, customers and employees as intended by said ordinance.

Conduct routine checks of both facilities and provide oversight of necessary process control adjustments to keep facilities operating at an optimal level.

Provide oversight of all reports required by the current WV NPDES and health department permits. Meet with regulatory officials during routine facility inspections as appropriate. Provide oversight for preventive maintenance such as greasing bearings, exercising generator, changing drive belts, cleaning, etc.

They will conduct administrative activities with professionalism and due diligence reasonably expected in order to provide optimum performance of the treatment system. Attend board meetings as directed by the Mayor and advise the same of needs, budgeting concerns, major problems.

They will also maintain an organized filing system of all operational, maintenance and administrative data and maintain wastewater and water treatment facilities and associated equipment in a clean, neat and orderly fashion.

The town of Middlebourne has agreed to pay a monthly fee of $3,250 for the services. Fisher said she had been in contact with Sistersville’s Mayor, Dave Fox and he said EES has saved the town of Sistersville a good bit of money. Fisher said they are looking forward to this venture and working with EES.

Melody Reed and Amanda Spencer from the Tyler County Resource attended the Council meeting on behalf of the anti-drug program recently being started in Tyler County to help combat the drug problem by holding meetings and raising public awareness.

They were at the meeting to ask the council for advertisement on the water bills to make the public aware of the meetings.

“These meeting are helping,” said Spencer. “People are really starting to speak out.”

A community meeting will be held on Tuesday, July 14 at 3:45 p.m. at the Senior Center in Middlebourne.

Attorney Gary Rymer attended the meeting about the extra patrolman for the town of Middlebourne. He said that they will be hired to do routine traffic stops and to enforce city ordinances. The fines will be paid to the town of Middlebourne.

“We want the reputation for being a law abiding community,” said Rymer.

On the Main Street Project, Fisher stated to council she received an invoice in the amount of $2,250 from CL Pifer and Associates. A meeting is scheduled to be held on Wednesday to see where they stand.

“We have done everything on our end and we still haven’t seen anything done,” said Fisher.

The next regular scheduled meeting will be held on July 12 at 7 p.m. at the Middlebourne City Building.