Tyler County handles a light agenda
On Monday morning, Commissioner Robert Wable gave an update on the Ambulance levy coming up for the May 2010 election. Wable stated that he has been in contact with the Auditor’s Office in Charleston and has received approval on the issue. “We have a good ambulance service right now and we would like to see it continue”, said Wable.
Melody Reed was present at the meeting to address the Teen Court program. She stated the program is a go-ahead. Funding for this program will be provided through grants. Reed stated if this program falls through, the county will still get to keep the money. Reed stated that she spoke with Judge Hummel and reported that he thinks it would be a good program. She also stated she has been in contact with Assistant Prosecutor Gary Rymer and he is willing to help with this program.
Commission President Pork Smith gave an update on the West Virginia Risk Pool issue and stated he would like to get all the information back to them and that they are looking over the offer.
Smith also addressed the construction of a new bus garage. Smith said he has been in contact with Jeff Davis on the issue and Davis told him that it has been approved. The discussion was tabled for a later date.
Tim Meeks, MOVRC Grant Coordinator was also present at the meeting. The resolution to approve an additional money to finish the clock tower. Some of the mortar and bricks around the clock facing and the top of the clock tower need to be fixed.
“If we are spending this much money on getting the clock fixed, then we should make sure that it is done right”, said commissioner Wable.
The county Assessor, Jackson L. Hayes stated they had some trouble with the clock but it is working again.
The next meeting will be held in the commission chambers on Oct. 13, at 9 a.m.
For added connivence, the courthouse will continue to extend their hours the first Thursday of every month from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.