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Nestor named O&G ‘Man of the Year’

By Staff | Sep 16, 2009

Donald B. Nestor 2009 Oil & Gas Man of the Year

The West Virginia Oil and Gas Festival board of directors has named Donald B. Nestor as the West Virginia OIl and Gas Man of the Year for 2009.

During the three-day festival, Nestor will be honored at a special luncheon at the First Presbyterian Church, Saturday, Sept. 19.

Following the luncheon, he will serve as the parade marshal for the Grand O&G Trophy Parade scheduled for 1 p.m. along the Sistersville parade route.

Nestor is a Certified Public Accountant and member of the CPA firm of Toothman, Rice, PLLC, CPAs. He was the valedictorian of his class of 11 at Pickens High School in Pickens, W.Va. and graduated from West Virginia University in 1971 with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Business Administration. He is currently in charge of Toothman Rice’s il and Gas Industry Services Group and its Buckhannon office.

He served five terms as a director of IOGA-WV and just concluded a term as IGOAs secretary-treasurer. During those terms, he also served as vice-president and chaired the Finance-Taxation and Program committees.

He received the IOGA-WV Distinguished Service Award in 1994 and has been instrumental in the reformation of the West Virginia Desk and Derrick Club of which he is a member. He is also a member of IOGA of Pennsylvania and IPAA and is active on the Tax Committee of both groups. He has presented numerous seminars concerning oil and natural gas taxation and accounting.

He and his wife, Judy, reside in Buckhannon and have two children, Mendy of Pittsburgh, Pa. and Ryan, his wife Destiny and their daughter Dericka, of Morgantown.