In another matter, there are new flags hanging from the light poles along the parking lot at Tyler Consolidated High School."/>
   In another matter, there are new flags hanging from the light poles along the parking lot at Tyler Consolidated High School."/> Kirk honored for her service | News, Sports, Jobs - Tyler Star News
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Kirk honored for her service

By Staff | Sep 2, 2009

OUTSTANDING — Jan Kirk received an award from the Board of Education at the most recent meeting.

Jan Kirk was presented with a plaque on behalf of the Board of Education on Monday evening. She was chosen as the Tyler County Service Personnel of the Year.

Superintendent Jeff Hoover stated, “Nobody deserves it more than Jan. Jan Kirk is the first person you see when you enter into the school. She is a very professional person and she always has a smile on her face.”

In another matter, there are new flags hanging from the light poles along the parking lot at Tyler Consolidated High School. Wendy Carpenter was the original designer of the flags but she has turned the project over to Rusty Keplinger who has done all of the computer layout of the flags. Linda Hoover stated they did a great job on the flags and it makes the school look better.

Principals Tricia Feldmeier, Robin Daquilante, Ed Stombock, and Kent Yoho were present at the meeting to give the board reports on how the first day of school went. All of the administrators stated it went very smoothly for the first day.

Yoho added there is a new cell phone policy in place at TCHS. Parents should read the student handbook for more information.

According to Yoho, all cellular phones are to be turned off and put away during school hours. If a student is caught with a phone, he or she will be subject to disciplinary measures.

The board members and the principals conducted a walk-through of all the schools and it was confirmed the security upgrades have been completed. All exterior doors and door hardware have been replaced and upgrades to an electronic keyless card access system for employees to enter the school buildings are done.

Additionally, security bollards have been positioned for additional safety factors. There will be yellow lines in front of the bollards in the near future.

Jeff Davis, treasurer, also attended the meeting on Monday with the financial statement. The Tyler County Board of Education approved the annual statement for fiscal year ending June 30.

The board’s net assets exceeded liabilities by $18,444,845 at the close of the most recent fiscal year. Of this amount, $3,040,406 may be used to meet the government’s ongoing obligations to citizens and creditors. As of the close of the current fiscal year, the board’s governmental funds reported combined ending fund balances of $3,131,800 an increase of $1,050,146 in comparison with the prior year. Approximately $534,524 of this amount is available for spending at the board’s discretion. The board’s total debt decreased by $2,218,623 during the current fiscal year.

Accounting changes have occurred in 2009 with the implementation of GASB 45. These changes showed a reduction in Accrued Sick Leave payable of $2,167,818. In addition, the implementation of the Other Post Employment Benefit (OPED) liability of $93,903, which includes the restatement of fund balance of $60,384 from FY08. The Tyler County Board of Education’s share of the OPEB expense would have been $823,005 for FY 09 if the State of West Virginia had not appropriated funding for the reduction of this expense.

The next board of education meeting will be held on Sept. 8 at 7:30 p.m.