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Board gears up for school

By Staff | Aug 19, 2009

Amanda Kimble was present at the Tyler County Board of Education meeting held on Monday to give an update on the Exterior Door Project.

Kimble informed the board members that McKinley and Associates, an architectural firm, did meet substantial completion. McKinley was contracted over the summer break to do some repairs to doors. They started work on this project the last week of June.

“We wanted to know that they did everything right before they leave,” stated Kimble. “We did a walk through and we pointed out every little thing that we found wrong and they fixed it.”

Pat Rymer, a Tyler Consolidated graduate, helped with the project. “He did a very good job and he takes pride and ownership in his hometown and his own schools. He is a very capable architect and he was really looking out for us.,” Kimble stated. “If Pat saw something wrong, he wasn’t afraid to say, ‘Hey, fix it.'”

Some work will still be in progress when students return to school next week, but the McKinley crew will work in the evenings and on weekends to finish the job completely.

Superintendent Jeff Hoover added that he was very pleased with the work that Kimble has done on this project and echoed her sentiments toward Rymer’s hand in the effort.

Hoover also gave some information on the creek bank trimming in front of Tyler Consolidated Middle/High School. He stated that he has spoken with Head of Maintenance Troy Smith who said he wasn’t pleased with the results of last year’s trimming. Consequently a different person has been contracted to perform the work this year.

Rob Caldwell, TCHS Football Coach, requested approval for Michael Wells and D.J. Cunningham to be volunteer assistant football coaches for the 2009 season. Both Wells and Cunningham are graduates of Tyler Consolidated and Krista DeVaughn recommended them for this position. The request was granted.

The next meeting will be held on Aug. 31 at 7:30 p.m.