Commission cashes in on state program
Money exchanged hands at the County Commission meeting on Tuesday as Raymond “B. B.” Smith from the State Auditor’s Office presented the commission with a check in the amount of $545.42. This is the first P-card rebate check for the first quarter.
Kathy Fazzini and Erika Gobell, also of the Auditor’s Office, were present to thank the commission for using the P-card purchasing program. Sheriff Bob Kendall stated that his deputies really liked the new system. The money received will be used to pay county bills.
Commissioner Robert D. Wable read a report on the Olive Branch Animal Rescue. Linda Henriksen said they have received 32 puppies under the age of 10 weeks old. It is costing them approximately $125 a month per puppy to take care of these unwanted animals. The Olive Branch is asking for a $5,000 donation to help take care of this situation. Wable asked that money be taken out of the dog and cat fund to help with this problem. The motion was granted.
Peggy Loub, Community Service Specialist from Community Resources Inc., gave a report on the work she has done in the community. It includes helping senior citizens fill out their tax returns as well other services that she provides. She stated that her staff has helped file 69 tax preparations and 14 weatherization applications. “I want to offer help to anyone in the county that needs it. They can stop in the office and get the weatherization applications and we will help them fill them out if they need it,” she stated.
Commission President Pork Smith said, “I talked with an older gentleman that had the weatherization done and he was very pleased with it.”
In other matters, Commissioner Smith gave an update on the clocktower. “The clock is looking great,” he said. “The face looks good, the contractor from Ohio has got it all set up and he is hoping to have it up and running by Labor Day.”
As a reminder, for added convenience the courthouse will continue extending their hours the first Thursday of every month from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.