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Board funds summer program

By Staff | Aug 5, 2009

Thanks to a $7,000 contribution from the Tyler County Board of Education the Tyler County Public Library in Middlebourne received state funding for the year.

That is why the library sent a letter of thanks to board members that was read at Monday’s meeting.

“The Tyler County Public Library would like to thank you for your increase in monetary support. We are glad that you see our service as a necessity in the community. Thanks to your generosity we will be able to continue the children’s programs that we offer. We hope to keep improving our service to the community,” stated Library Director Roseanne Eastham in her letter to the board.

In the past, the library had received a $1,000; this year they received $7,000.

Eastham stated, “The library would have lost the state funding without this money.” She was very appreciative of this funding from the Board of Education.

In other matters, the board members discussed the final approval of the formal easement agreement with the Sistersville Water District to install new underground water lines in front of Sistersville Elementary School with a 15-foot maintenance right-of-way for the compensation of $10.

The easement was approved the the board.

The next regular meeting will be held on Aug. 17 at 7:30 p.m. at the Tyler County Board of Education Office at Tyler Consolidated Middle/High School.