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TCHS names Salutatorians, Valedictorian

By Staff | May 20, 2009

Cullen Grover, Valedictorian

Years of preparation and studying will pay off for the anxious seniors of the Class of 2009 on Sunday, May 24, as Tyler Consolidated High School holds commencement exercises for its 16th graduating class at 3 p.m. Weather permitting, graduation will be held on Knights Field. The ceremony will be moved indoors to the gymnasium in case of rain.

The year’s class valedictorian will be Cullen Grover; Salutatorians are Travis Hoyes and Tiffany Riffle.

Cullen is the son of John and Grace Grover of Middlebourne.

During his four years at Tyler Consolidated, he has participated in several extra-circular activities, though much of his time outside of school has been dedicated to athletics.

He has played football for four years, earning three varsity letters and was named first team All LKC offense as a junior, and first team All LKC defense and first ream All-State as a defensive end as a senior. During the winter months, Cullen’s focus shifted to wrestling as he wrestled his way to two LKC championships (189 in 2008 and 215 in 2009), a fourth place in the A-AA state tournament in 2008, and a win at the 2009 state tournament in the 215 pound division. He is also a member of the track team and competes in hurdle and relay events. In 2008, he was the regional champion in 100 high hurdles and finished fifth place at the state tournament.

Travis Hoyes, Salutatorian

In addition to sports, Cullen is a member of the concert band, playing the trumpet and the french horn. He is currently the chapter president of the Technology Student Association and will be traveling along with several other members to compete at the TSA national convention in Denver, Colo., this summer.

Cullen has severed as class president and is a member of the National Honor Society and student council. He was also named a National Merit finalist.

At the conclusion of his high school career, Cullen plans to attend the University of Pittsburgh and study bioengineering, followed by medical school.

Travis is the son of John and Karen Hoyes of Paden City.

He holds letters in track and cross country and has a First Degree Black Belt in Tae Kwon Do from Kang’s TKD Academy.

Tiffany Riffle, Salutatorian

Travis is a member of the National Honor Society, OVAC All Conference Academic Team and the First Federal Bank Academic Hall of Fame. He has received the Top 10 Percent Award, TCHS Academic Achievement Letter, Chivalry Award, Student of the Month. Community Service Award and Math Field Day Regional Award.

His hobbies include competing in 5K races, weight training, XBox virtual interfacing and socializing with family and friends. He also enjoys working with Wetzel County Hospital to send medical supplies to Iraq; preparing Thanksgiving dinner for needy families; volunteering for animal maintenance at the Humane Society; and donating to the Community Resource Center.

After graduation, Travis will attend West Virginia University Honors College, majoring in forensic and investigative science.

Tiffany is the daughter of Ethan and Marsha Riffle of Sistersville.

Throughout her high school years, she has participated in the S.A.L.T. Club, Prom club and National Honor Society.

In addition, she has donated her spare time to tutor after school.

In the fall, Tiffany will be attending the University of Charleston working toward a degree in biology followed by medical school.