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Student organizations update the board

By Staff | Apr 8, 2009

Two high school student organizations were on hand to update the Tyler County Board of Education on their programs at the board’s regular April 6 meeting.

First up was B.J. Eastham and advisor Linda Hooley, representing the Future Business Leaders of America at Tyler Consolidated High School. Eastham, the son of Roseanne Eastham, designed this year’s state program cover.

“This year again the state contacted us and asked us if we could design the program from the FBLA State Leadership Conference,” explained Hooley. “This is the third year in a row that we’ve had that honor…I just hope and pray we can continue this tradition.”

Each business class submitted designs for the program, with Eastham’s design being picked overall. The state FBLA used Eastham’s design not only for the program, but also posters, buttons, and t-shirts. Eastham was surprised his design received so much use.

“When I got there I wasn’t expecting it to be everywhere it was,” said Eastham.

“I knew about the t-shirt design because the company had contacted me,” added Hooley. “I had asked him to flatten the image before we sent it in, and when they needed it for the design the layers couldn’t be flattened. So bless his heart he spent one morning and went back in and re-did it. His name is even on the program.”

“B.J. we’re proud of you,” exclaimed School Superintendent Jeff Hoover. “It certainly says a lot about it if they continue to come back to you. That’s wonderful.”

TCHS business students also had success at the recent state FBLA Competition. Out of 20 students, three will go on to that National FBLA Competition. TCHS also placed first and second place in the word processing competition.

Hooley will be retiring and Julie Jones will become the new FBLA advisor.

The TCHS S.A.L.T. Club also presented a report of their activities. S.A.L.T., which stands for Serving And Loving Teens, was started nine years ago as a way for high school Christians to get together. The club performs community service at the school and in the community.

“A group of students came to Mr. (Jimmy) Wyatt and I. They had done their research about the legal parts of it and wanted to start a Christian Club,” explained club Advisor Diana Stender. “It’s been very successful.

Over 30 students – mostly freshmen – are members of S.A.L.T. this year. Vice President Josh Buckner explained the club’s goals.

“The main purpose of our club is just to help the people in need,” stated Buckner. “We’ve had Thanksgiving dinners, we gave Christmas gifts out to children. Right now we’re working on a PJ project where we get a whole bunch of PJ’s together and give them to a foster program.”

“We’re collecting pajamas for foster kids from ages newborn to 14 because they’re pulled out of their homes quick and they don’t have enough stuff to take with them,” added club Treasurer Kaitlyn Neff. “We’re just collecting those to give to them.”

The club also helped create a memorial garden on the TCHS school property. Their next goal is to build a flagstone walkway to the garden.

“When we opened up our club we based it on the scripture about how you’re the salt of the Earth,” said Stender. “We spend almost our entire time talking about these projects and what to do. It’s nice that we live in an area that accepts that.”

S.A.L.T. hosts two fund raisers every year, selling candy bars and putting together the Winter Sports Program. Thanks to fund raisers, the club has been able to spend nearly $5,000 on the memorial garden project. Club members will be going to Valley Worlds of Fun in Fairmont for their spring trip.

“It’s a very wholesome, very selfless club,” commented Hoover.

“It’s a great service organization and it’s been well handled and well managed and within the guidelines of what’s legal, agreed Board Member Jimmy Wyatt. “It’s worked very well.”

“It’s difficult to get kids involved in what you’re involved in,” said Board Member Ken Hunt. “It’s nice to see that.”

Board Member Larry Thomas asked whether local ministers and pastors get involved with the program.

“It’s really interesting to get your local churches involved,” remarked Thomas. “When they see kids doing what you’re doing you may get even more involved.”

The board will be meeting again April 21, at 7:30 p.m. to set the levy rates and approve the 2009-2010 fiscal budget.