City assesses meters, fines
In a special meeting, the Sistersville City Council entertained the first reading of an ordinance that would lower the fines for failure to pay parking meters in the downtown district.
If the ordinance is adopted by the council, parking fines will be lowered from $10 to $3 for the first 72 hours. After the grace period, the fine will increase to $10.
Meters must be paid Monday through Friday between the hours of 9 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. The cost to park for one hour is 25 cents with a two-hour time limit. If visitors to the downtown area intend to stay for more than two hours in the same space, they will need to remember to refeed the meter.
Mayor Dave Fox said, “We will be enforcing the parking meters.”
In an effort to carry out the mayor’s wishes, Police Chief David Howell said, “The meters will be checked daily, probably more than once.”
A public hearing on the ordinance will be held on Monday, Feb. 23, at 7 p.m. so citizens can voice any concerns they may have, after which the council could vote to adopt the new ordinance.