Fire Destroys Paden City Home

(Photo by Ed Parsons) Smoke billows from the destroyed home following a fire at the residence on Tuesday, Jan. 21.
An early morning fire broke out on Tuesday, Jan. 21, in Paden City destroying a home on the 100 block of N. Third Ave.
Responding to the fire was Paden City and New Martinsville Volunteer Fire Departments. The Sistersville Volunteer Fire Department also sent a couple firefighters to assist in fighting the fire.
The two-story structure was fully engulfed and firefighters struggled with the elements as well with temperatures in the minus zero range.
However good work by the responding departments brought the fire under control and kept it from spreading to nearby homes which did suffer minimal smoke and water damage.
Paden City fire department was still on the scene late Tuesday afternoon into the evening quelling any further hot spots.
Paden City Mayor Clyde Hochstrasser on Jan. 22 said he was working to learn more details about the blaze, but did know that the man who lived there, Ian Patkov, got out safely. He was also able to get some of his belongings with help from neighbors.
He does not believe neighboring homes were damaged.
He noted firefighters were having to revisit the site to put out smoldering spots two days after the fire. He added that someone, possibly county EMA officials, decided that the building should be knocked down as a safety precaution; however, this has led to firefighters trying to extinguish flare ups under the rubble, he said.
“I’m not sure who ordered that. I’m still gathering bits and pieces,” he said.
He said while the fire scene still needs to be investigated it is believed the start of the fire was related to some kind of heat tape on pipes underneath the home.
Meanwhile, the man’s employer is paying for a hotel room for him to live in until another rental unit can be found. Hochstrasser said he was helping with that effort.
He added the remainder of the house and its debris will be removed from the site in the next few days.
Donations of clothing are being sought for the man and can be dropped off at the Paden City municipal building or at a neighbor’s house at 110 N. Third St. The man wears XL shirts, size 11 shoes and pants size 38-32.