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Tyler County Commission Mulls Jailhouse Rebuilding

By Randy Rutherford - Staff Writer | Oct 16, 2024

The Tyler County Commission met in regular session on Tuesday, October 8, 2024, in the auditorium of the Senior Center in Middlebourne. Following the Pledge of Allegiance and prayer, the minutes of the September 24, 2024, meeting were approved. Also approved were the minutes of the September 30, 2024, emergency meeting.

The emergency meeting became necessary when one of the exterior walls in the jailhouse, currently under renovation, collapsed resulting in all the workers having to vacate the workplace due to unsafe conditions. Fortunately, no one was injured. The result of the collapse made it impossible to rebuild that section of the jail safely. The purpose for the meeting was to decide how to rectify the situation. The plan of action taken by the commissioners was placing the area under 24-hour watch to make sure no one entered the area and tearing down the compromised jail section and rebuilding, which will add costs, but must be addressed. The aesthetics of the building will look the same after the rebuild.

Also approved was the Fiduciary Report and the Exonerations.

First up on the agenda was Magistrate Clerk Patty Garuccio explaining to the commissioners that the circuit board that operates the doors to the building has been malfunctioning for some time. The result of the malfunction has caused pressure to build up and the doors not closing properly. In some cases, they open on their own and do not close completely. Therefore, the Magistrate office contacted H.E. Neuman said they could replace the bad part in the circuit board within three days and solve the problem quickly. The quote from H.E. Neuman to fix was $2,974. Commissioners approved the repair.

Anthony Campbell, Administrator for Middlebourne EMS, requested an open meeting to be scheduled between the Commission and the Middlebourne EMS Board to continue to plan on improving the Advanced Life Support (ALS) coverage 24-7 in the area. A meeting was scheduled for October 15, 2024, at 6 PM in the auditorium of the Senior Center.

Logan Sailor, EMS Director for Tyler County, asked for approval to purchase a new ambulance. Ambulance 480 needs replacing and Ambulance 481 is out for chassis replacement which should be back in the next couple of weeks. He stated the new ambulance could be available by January 2025 from Atlantic Emergency Solutions at a cost of $252,000. Funds are currently available from the Levy to make the purchase. Logan stated that with the new ambulance they could either trade in ambulance 480 or sell it. Trade in value is roughly $20,000. Commissioners Tabled the request until Logan could obtain a third quote. Next Mr. Sailor asked the Commission to approve the purchase of the current building where they are housed located at 242 Oxford St. Sistersville. The building is currently leased with the City of Sistersville. He also explained that there is a need to expand the building and commissioners agreed that any expense going forward for expansion would need to be applied to a building they own. Commissioners tabled the discussion until they could attend a Sistersville City Council meeting and explore the city’s agreement to sell the building and for how much. Mr. Sailor then asked that Paramedic Sarah Cumberledge be moved from part-time to full time. The Commission approved the request with a start date of October 28, 2024. With Sarah moving to full time, Logan asked for approval to post three part-time positions to create a pool of choices when they are needed. Commissioners then approved a request from Logan that Tracy Taylor be named the Supply Officer for the Tyler County EMS with a pay raise. Logan explained the Tracy has been filling this position and wanted to make the appointment official. Commissioners approved the appointment and pay raise.

Josh Fulks, E-911 Director, requested an Executive Session to discuss a personnel matter for part-time employment. The commissioners went into Executive Session at 9:41 AM and came out at 10:04 with no decision.

Commission President Mike Smith requested a change in date for the Commission meeting scheduled for December 24, 2024 be changed to December 30, 2024., Commission approved the date change.

Bobby Doll with B&R Salvage and Towing asked the commissioners why his wrecker service was not being used in Tyler County through E-911. Mr. Fulks explained they currently have four local companies that are being used and if law enforcement is on the scene they may request a closer wrecker service for safety purposes. In some cases, the disabled vehicle might be located in a dangerous position that requires quick removal. B&R Salvage only has a rollback wrecker and many times the requests through dispatch are for a conventional wrecker. The commissioners said they would discuss the matter at the E-911 Advisory Board meeting later that night and would get back to Mr. Doll on his issue.

Next up, Chief Deputy Shannon Huffman addressed the Commission asking for their approval of the resignation, due to retirement, of his father, Michael Huffman as a security guard. Commissioners approved the resignation. With the approval it opened a position for a security guard, and Deputy Huffman then asked for approval to post the position of part-time security guard. Commissioners approved the job posting and resignation. Deputy Huffman then asked for approval to purchase bullet proof vests for security guards. He explained that their role at the entrance of the courthouse and Magistrate building is just as important as deputy officers in the field. His concern is that these guards need the extra protection since they are the front line to protect the workers inside the buildings. The Cost of the vests is roughly $1200 to $1300 per vest, and he would need eight vests. Commission tabled the request until Shannon came back with final costs.

Under Public Comment, Commission President Mike Smith announced that the Jug Project would go out for bid by the end of the year. The project has been held up for several years and he is excited that it might be finally moving forward.

Following the approval to pay the bills the meeting was adjourned. The next meeting of the Tyler County Commission is scheduled for October 22, 2024, in the auditorium of the Senior Center in Middlebourne.