TC BOE Hears from TCHS Band Members

TCHS Band members, from left, Selene Holcomb, Caramia McCoy and Katie Ash attend the Tyler Consolidated Board of Education meeting.
The Tyler County Board of Education met in regular session on October 7, 2024. The regular meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. at the Tyler County Board of Education Office. Board members present were President Katrina Byers, Vice President Larry Thomas, members Andy Shreves, Scott Strode and Diana Stender. Superintendent Shane Highley was also present. Others present were Stacey Roberts, Executive Secretary; Paden Morris, Principal of TCHS; Melinda Walton, Attendance Director; LeaAnn Butcher, Communities in Schools at SES; Joey Asturi, Communities in Schools at TC; Aaron Heasley, Communities in Schools at AIB; Stan Dennis, Betsy George, Caleb Henderson, Jackson Henderson, Cassidy Billings, Keenan McCoy, Caramia McCoy, Keith McCoy, Selene Holcomb, Katie Ash, Jill Ash, Valerie Northcraft, Will Northcraft, Alex Northcraft, Robert Shamblen, and Randy Rutherford with the Tyler Star News.
Following a moment of Silence and the Pledge of Allegiance the Board approved the minutes of the September 16, 2024, regular meeting.
Under Presentations Melinda Walton, Attendance Director, at TCHS was present to go over the new attendance policy with the Board members. She explained the new requirements. Mrs. Walton also shared the plans created by the Communities In Schools site supervisors at each school that are set into place to provide support and reduce chronic absenteeism.
Caramia McCoy, Selene Holcomb and Katie Ash, members of the Tyler Consolidated High School Marching Band, were present to speak to the Board regarding the variety of ways the TCHS Marching Band serves their communities. The band travels to many football games and participates in parades. The students also shared that they participate in many competitions, most recently, bringing home an overall Grand Champion trophy from the Ripley Viking Fest.
The Board went into Executive Session at 7:18 p.m. regarding Student Control #09-19-24W under Item 3, as per the School Laws of WV 6-9A-4, “The disciplining, suspension or expulsion of any student in any public school or public college or university, unless such student requests an open meeting.” The Board came out of Executive Session at 7:30 p.m. Following the Executive Session the Board approved the recommendation of the Superintendent for 365-day suspension with a review following the first semester.
The Board then went into Executive Session at 7:34 p.m. regarding Student Control #09-19-24K under Item 3, as per the School Laws of WV 6-9A-4, “The disciplining, suspension or expulsion of any student in any public school or public college or university, unless such student requests an open meeting.” The Board came out of Executive Session at 7:58 p.m. Following the Executive Session the Board approved the recommendation of the Superintendent for 365-day suspension with a review following the first semester.
Under the Superintendent’s Report the board approved for SmileWV to come into Tyler County Schools on January 14-16, 2025, to perform dental screenings on students. Mr. Highley also shared information with the Board regarding the Cook Center. He explained that this is a Parent Coaching aid. It provides tips in dealing with mental health issues. There is a QR code on the Tyler County Schools website that will take parents to available information and resources.
Mr. Highley shared an update on the progress of the projects in the county. There was a delay in delivery of some of the selected tiles to be used in construction, but the tile is finally here and being set. The commons bathroom should be ready to use soon. The second floor to the addition of the gym has had the concrete floor poured.
The board approved the following trip requests. Zach Wilhoite requested permission to take the Honors ESS, Environmental Science, Bio 2 and College Bio classes to WV Geologic/Economic Survey at Cheat Lake, Chipotle and Cooper’s Rock in Morgantown, WV, on October 21, 2024. Joe Griffith and Curtis Heintzman will attend as chaperones. Bus transportation was also requested. Scott Wall requested permission to take the TCHS Girls Basketball team to Monroe Central High School on November 16, 2024. Scott Wall and his Assistant Coach will chaperone the trip. Bus transportation was also requested. Matt Jennings requested permission to take the TCHS Knights Band to Oak Glen High School for the football game on October 11, 2024. Robert Shamblen, Mikayla Shamblen and Phaedra Holcomb will attend as chaperones. Bus transportation was also requested. Mary Jane Moss requested permission to take two students from SES to attend the WV Children’s All State Choir Festival in Charleston, WV, on March 6-7, 2025. Transportation will be provided by parents. Jaclyn Looney requested permission to take the Kindergarten class at SES to Discovery World in Parkersburg on October 22, 2024. Emily Lantz, Debbie Kelley, Tonya Wable and Laura Minor will attend as chaperones. Bus transportation was also requested. LeeAnn Smith requested permission to take the Fifth-Grade class at SES to WV Independence Hall and the Eastend Playground in Wheeling/Moundsville on October 25, 2024. Hannah Roberts, Bessie Billings and Mark Wilson will attend as chaperones. Bus transportation was also requested. Annie Erwin requested permission to add the use of the van to the FFA trip to WVU-Morgantown. They would like to use the van in addition to the bus. The van would be used to shuttle students to the various locations for the contests. This trip was approved on August 19, 2024. Missy Smith requested permission to take the First-Grade class at SES to Prickett’s Fort Memorial Foundation in Fairmont on October 28, 2024. Scott Gorby, Suzie Nichols, Aubree Williams, Natasha Morris, Tanya Wright, Lindsay Snider and Miss Millie Sapp will attend as chaperones. Bus transportation was also requested.
Other requests approved were LynAnn Saxon requested permission for Lakin Kupfner to cross county lines to attend Tyler County Schools for the 2024-25 school year and Betsy George requested permission for the Tyler County Leo Lions Club to use Mr. Wilhoite’s classroom for after school club meetings. They will use the room from 4:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. The organization will be completely responsible for clean-up. Zach Wilhoite has agreed to over-see the event.
Under resignations Robert O. Jones Jr. resigned his position as Substitute Teacher, effective October 1, 2024.
The board employed Tisha Wall as Assistant Girls Basketball Coach at TCHS, effective immediately. Teya Henthorn and Lori Franks were added to the pool of Teachers who are willing to cover unfilled positions during their planning and/or lunch at TCHS, effective immediately. Sara Conner as SPED Instructional Aide/Autism Mentor at AIB, effective January 4, 2025. Miranda King as SPED Instructional Aide/Autism Mentor at SES, effective immediately. Megan Glover as Instructional Aide at TCHS, effective immediately. Linda Yoho as Substitute Teacher, effective immediately. Ashlyn “Summer” Miller as Substitute Teacher, pending certification. Caitlyn Robinson as Substitute Aide, pending CBI. Ellen Stewart, Kayla Ut, Chasity Pittman and Kristen Walker as Substitute Aides, effective immediately. Nadine Greathouse, Heather Smith, Kaitlyn Robinson and Alanna Coley as Substitute Cooks, pending CBI. Daniel Cooper as Substitute Custodian, effective immediately. Marvin Moore and Austin Dillon as Substitute Bus Operators, pending certification. All employments were approved.
The Board went into Executive Session at 8:14 p.m. under Item 2, as per the School Laws of WV 6-9A-4, “The appointment, employment, retirement, promotion, demotion, disciplining, resignation, discharge, dismissal or compensation of any public officer or employee, or other personnel matters, or for the purpose of conducting a hearing on a complaint against a public officer or employee, unless such public officer or employee requests an open meeting.” The Board came out of Executive Session at 9:15 p.m. Following the executive session on a motion made by Diana Stender, seconded by Andy Shreves with a 5-0 vote, the Board voted to consider the following employments, transfers and/or rescissions separately from the original list: Employ Anthony Farrell as Head Softball Coach at TCHS, effective immediately and employ David Riggle as Head Girls Basketball Coach at TCMS, effective immediately. On a motion made by Scott Strode, seconded by Andy Shreves with a 2-3 vote, with Diana Stender, Andy Shreves and Larry Thomas voting against, the Board rejected the following employment, transfer and/or rescission: Employ Anthony Farrell as Head Softball Coach at TCHS, effective immediately. Mr. Highley, required by School Laws of WV 18-4-10, provided a second name to be considered for the Head Softball Coach at TCHS. Mr. Highley recommended Stan Dennis as the second name for that position. On a motion made by Diana Stender, seconded by Katrina Byers with a 5-0 vote, the Board approved to employ Stan Dennis as Head Softball Coach at TCHS, effective immediately. On a motion made by Scott Strode, seconded by Katrina Byers with a 4-1 vote, with Diana Stender voting against, the Board approved to employ David Riggle as Head Girls Basketball Coach at TCMS, effective immediately.
The Board approved the following other personnel. Approval for Unpaid Medical Leave for Erin Cooper beginning September 19, 2024, until released by her Doctor.
Following the approval to pay the bills the meeting was adjourned at 9:20 p.m. The next meeting of the Tyler County Board of Education is scheduled for Monday, October 21, 2024, at 7:00 p.m. at the Tyler County Board of Education Office Dodd Street, Middlebourne.