Paden City Homecoming Friday Night

Paden City's Homecoming festivities kick off Friday. The parade starts at 6 p.m. going from St. Paul’s United Methodist Church to Paden City High School. The winning queen candidate will be crowned by last year's Queen, Mallory Dennis, and the Queen from the class of 2015, Tori Smith. Shown here is the 2024 Homecoming Court: Front row, from left, are 7th Grade Princess Kinsley Anderson, 8th Grade Princess Briley Dalrymple, 9th Grade Princess Sage Lively, 10th Grade Princess Myra Clinton and 11th Grade Princess Lynnsay Leek. Back row, from left, are Senior Queen candidates MacKenzie Simpkins, Jordyn Rose, Lexi Mathis and Paige Glover.
Paden City’s Homecoming festivities kick off Friday. The parade starts at 6 p.m. going from St. Paul’s United Methodist Church to Paden City High School. The winning queen candidate will be crowned by last year’s Queen, Mallory Dennis, and the Queen from the class of 2015, Tori Smith. Shown here is the 2024 Homecoming Court: Front row, from left, are 7th Grade Princess Kinsley Anderson, 8th Grade Princess Briley Dalrymple, 9th Grade Princess Sage Lively, 10th Grade Princess Myra Clinton and 11th Grade Princess Lynnsay Leek. Back row, from left, are Senior Queen candidates MacKenzie Simpkins, Jordyn Rose, Lexi Mathis and Paige Glover.