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Tyler Commissioners Approve Proclamations

By Randy Rutherford - Staff Writer | Oct 3, 2024

Charlene Galluzzo with Commissioners Eric Vincent and Lance Hickman display the prolamation.

The Tyler County Commission met in regular session on Tuesday, September 24, 2024, in the auditorium of the Senior Center in Middlebourne. Following the Pledge of Allegiance and prayer, the minutes from the September 10, 2024, meeting were approved. Also approved was the Fiduciary Report and the Exonerations.

First up on the agenda was Charlene Galluzzo, President of the Tyler County Association of Retired School Teachers (TCARSE), asking the Commission to approve a Proclamation declaring the week of September 23, 2024, through September 27, 2024, as WV Association of Retired School Employees Week. TCARSE, an association of the West Virginia Association of Retired School Employees (WVARSE), has made a lifetime commitment to Tyler County as they continue to serve their community in retirement. Charlene went on to say that this past year members of TCARSE have donated 16,322 hours in community service living up to their motto “to serve and not to be served.” The request of the commission was approved.

Sharon Campbell from the Wetzel Tyler Chamber of Commerce addressed the commissioners requesting partial funding for a VISTA membership. Sharon explained she is unable to reach out to all the businesses in both counties because she is the only full-time person. By joining the VISTA program, she can find individuals willing to work to build capacity in nonprofit organizations and public agencies to help them more effectively generate the commitment of the private sector resources, encourage volunteer service at the local level and empower individuals and communities. The three-year program will cost the Chamber $22,500. She is asking both Wetzel and Tyler counties to split the costs. The commissioners agreed to fund the first year for their half at a cost of $3,750 and asked Sharon to come back when the next payment is due in year two.

E-911 Director Josh Fulks asked the Commission to approve the employment of Aimee Bowman as a dispatcher with a start date of September 30, 2024. Commissioners approved the employment.

Commission President Mike Smith asked for approval of right of way agreements for gas lines for the courthouse renovation for the Town of Middlebourne, Michael and Chris Lenz, Kirk Proctor and James and Heidi Suter. Commissioners approved the request.

Mr. Smith then asked for approval of a letter of support presented by Melissa O’Brien, External Affairs Manager of City Net. Melissa was on hand to explain that the state of West Virginia is eligible for 1.2 billion dollars from the federal government to cover unserved areas of the state with broadband expansion. There are approximately 114,000 unserved addresses in the state. This is an all or nothing venture for WV and one of the requirements for eligibility is a letter of support from county governments. Commissioners approved signing the letter of support.

Then, Commissioner Mike Smith explained that better coverage is needed for ALS (Advanced Life Support) Ambulance service with a Paramedic on site 24-7. He is asking the Middlebourne EMS for this support, and they have agreed to discuss the request at their next board meeting. The request from Mr. Smith was tabled until the November 26, 2024, County Commission meeting to allow time for the Middlebourne EMS squad to either add the needed Paramedic or deliver a plan for the coverage. The Tyler County EMS currently has a full time Paramedic on staff for their coverage areas.

Sheriff Dean Pratt then asked the Commission for approval to hire Colton Travis as a Deputy in Tyler County with a start date of September 30, 2024. Candidates were interviewed and Mr. Travis stood out as the choice for this position. He has served in the past as a Deputy in Doddridge County and has eight years of experience. Commissioners approved the hire.

Kellsi Anderson from the WV Extension Office asked for approval to declare the week of October 6, 2024, through October 12, 2024, as National 4-H week. Commissioners approved the request.

Christopher Keller, Chief Tax Deputy, asked for approval of the 2023 Delinquent Tax List. Commissioners approved the request.

Logan Sailor, TC EMS Director, then requested an Executive Session to discuss personnel. Commissioners went into Executive Session at 9:44 AM and came out of the session at 9:58 AM with no announcement. Mr. Sailor then asked for approval to post the full-time position of Paramedic. Commissioners approved the request.

Under Public Comment, Tom Cooper, Director of Emergency Management explained that plans are underway for a transportation program for the county to transport individuals with no means of transportation to doctor appointments, the grocery store and other necessary errands. Cooper stated that the State of WV Transportation Board has hired RLS from Dayton, Ohio to do a study on the specific needs for the county. He said that the creation of a Transportation Authority is well underway.

After approval to pay the bills, the meeting was adjourned at 10:06 AM. The next meeting of the Tyler County Commission is scheduled for October 8, 2024, in the auditorium of the Senior Center in Middlebourne beginning at 9:00 AM.