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Tyler County BOE Discusses New Bus Incident Policy

By Randy Rutherford - Staff Writer | Sep 26, 2024

The Tyler County Board of Education met on September 16, 2024, and was called to order at 7 p.m. at the Tyler County Board of Education Office in Middlebourne. Board members present were President Katrina Byers and Andy Shreves. Superintendent Shane Highley was present. Diana Stender was present by phone. Vice President Larry Thomas and Scott Strode were unable to attend. Others present were Stacey Roberts, Executive Secretary; Jeff Davis, Treasurer; Mark Winters, Principal of TCMS; Kayla Morris, Vice Principal of TCMS; Christy Wright, Teacher at TCMS; Joey Asturi, Communities in Schools; Valerie Northcraft, Secretary at TCMS; and Lauren Northcraft.

The Board approved the minutes of the September 3, 2024, regular meeting.

Marcus Winters, principal of TCMS, presented his TCMS Knight Time program (WVTSS Structure). Kayla Morris, Christy Wright and Joey Asturi were all present to speak to the Board on the parts they play in this program. The program focuses on providing support for students in the areas of Academics, Behavior, and Mental Health.

Mr. Highley updated the Board on the new Bus Incident policy that is being created. He shared with the Board that Bus Drivers are thinking about safety and talking about what should be included in the new policy. Mr. Highley informed the Board that the new Parent Portal has been rolled out to parents. Tracy Heintzman is taking parent’s questions and helping guide people through the new system. Mr. Highley talked with the Board about the threats that have been circulating around the state since the beginning of the school year. Tyler County Schools have been on high alert. Mr. Highley assured the Board and the public that if there is an immediate threat to Tyler County that an informational message will go out. He informed them that there have been arrests made in the last few days.

Next, Mr. Highley gave an update on the progress of the projects in the county. The gym expansion is moving forward. He also reported that they will be amending the plans for the new elementary school and hope to have public meetings in January, 2025.

Katrina Byers reported that she attended the Sistersville Public Library Board meeting. She informed the Board that the Library is dealing with facility issues at this time. There is some water damage to the driveway and the building. They are trying to come up with funding to repair these issues.

Diana Stender reported that she touched base again with the Middlebourne Public Library about TCHS students receiving community service for helping with after school tutoring. She also spoke with Pam Stollings, Counselor at TCHS, about getting the information out to students that this opportunity is available.

Jeff Davis, Treasurer of Tyler County Schools, presented the Annual Financial Statement to the Board which was approved. Diana Stender stated that we are very fortunate to have Mr. Davis in the position that he is in. She expressed thanks to him for the job that he does.

The Board approved TCHS Wrestling schedule for 2024-25.

The board approved the following trip requests: Mark Winters requested permission for the TCHS Boys Basketball team to go to River High School on November 11, 2024, for a basketball scrimmage. Joseph Asturi, Josh Mace and Kennedy Cain will attend as chaperones. Bus transportation is also requested. Annie Erwin requested permission for the Tyler FFA to use the van for transportation to go to the Wetzel County 4-H campgrounds for the Upper Ohio Conservation District Forestry Contest on September 17, 2024. This trip was approved on August 19, 2024. Leon Ammons requested permission for the Tyler FFA to use bus transportation to go to Wood Co. Technical Center on February 21, 2025. This trip was approved on August 19, 2024. Zach Wilhoite requested permission to take the TCHS Astronomy class, members of the Astronomy club, and members of the honors ESS class to travel to various locations in WV for Earth & Space education on October 3, 2024. The students will visit Black Water Falls State Park, Seneca Rocks and Spruce Knob. This will be an overnight trip. Casey Goudy and Robert Hensley will attend as chaperones. Bus transportation was also requested. Kendra Lydick requested permission for the WV Studies class and Freshman Honors Science class to go to Beckley Exhibition Coal Mine on October 2, 2024. Kendra Lydick and Zach Wilhoite will attend as chaperones. She also requested some funding from Tyler County Schools. Bus transportation was also requested. Mark Wilson requested permission to take the Boys Soccer team to watch a WVU Soccer game in Morgantown on September 27, 2024. Aaron Warner will attend as chaperone. Bus transportation was also requested. Connie Stewart requested permission to take the FCCLA to Boggs’s Pizza and Grill in Middlebourne on October 1, 2024. Students will learn about the management of a small business. Bus transportation was also requested. Jeff Maiden requested permission to take the TCMS TASK to WVU School of Engineering on October 25, 2024. Ashley Moore and Beth Andexler will attend as chaperones. Bus transportation was also requested. Laci Strode requested permission to take the Sixth-Grade class at TCMS to Blennerhassett Island on October 17, 2024. Laci Strode, Tristin Boso, Allana Paden, Lisa Feldmeier, Kelly Myers, Christy Wright, Ashley Moore, Sharley Shortridge, Kennedy Cain and Luke Cooper will attend as chaperones. Bus transportation was also requested. Scott Wall requested permission for the AIB students to attend the Harvest Festival on October 4, 2024. Students will walk down to the grounds as their schedules permit. Krista DeVaughn requested permission for the SES students to attend the Harvest Festival on October 4, 2024. Bus transportation was also requested.

The board approved the resignations of Lindsay Tennnant from her position as Cook at SES, effective October 2, 2024.

The board approved the employment of Heather Housel as SPED Teacher at SES, pending certification, Teresa Dunham as After School Activities Supervisor, effective immediately, Danny Cochran as Bus Operator of Boys and Girls Club afternoon run, effective immediately and Jessica Knox as Social Studies Fair Coordinator at AIB, effective immediately.

The board approved the payment of the bills. The meeting adjourned at 8:36 p.m. The next Regular Meeting will be held on Monday, October 7, 2024, at 7 p.m. at the Tyler County Board of Education Office located on Dodd Street in Middlebourne.