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Silver Knights Insights

By Randy Rutherford - Contributed by Principal Paden Morris | Sep 11, 2024

“The school year may have just begun here at Tyler Consolidated, but already there are many things for our students and staff to be proud of.” First, TCHS was recognized once again as a College Access and Success Champion! College for West Virginia (CFWV) coordinates three annual college-planning milestones to help students in West Virginia plan their pathway to education or training beyond high school. High schools that successfully participate in all three pathway events and meet specific criteria are recognized as CFWV Champions of College Access and Success schools. The three milestones have specific components to help students in West Virginia transition to postsecondary pathways. “TCHS was one of just 40 high schools in West Virginia to be recognized, so we are very proud of that accomplishment.” Also, TCHS saw great results in their SAT performance once again exceeding the state average in both ELA and Math scores while increasing their score total from the PSAT by 58 points! This is the largest amount of growth between Fall and Spring testing in the past five years. Lastly, over 90% of TCHS students taking the NOCTI exam last school year exceeded the workforce average credential. “We feel that whether students are driven to go to college, the workforce, or the military that the pathway is definitely available at TCHS.”

Outside of college and career readiness milestones, TCHS also celebrated the good character and positive impact their students have had on school climate and culture. Two students, Katie Ash and Evan Crawford, were recently recognized with the “Carry the Shield” award. Students recognized with this award demonstrate high character and represent themselves, their school, and their community in a positive light. Both Katie and Evan are actively involved in many school activities and serve as student-leaders at TCHS.

Lastly, TCHS takes pride in their Knights Pride. The newly found “Silver Knights Nation” school spirit club is making an impact as well. Coordinated efforts between students and their advisor, Mrs. Grimes, showed a big turnout for the first home football game this past week. We hope to see continued support and spirit from our students during all events at TCHS this school.

“We have had an exciting start to the 2024-2025 school year and are proud of our students for carrying the shield. Most importantly, it is simply great to have students back in our halls and classroom and we cannot wait to see what they accomplish this school year.” #KnightsPride.