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TC Board of Ed Gets Update on Planned Elementary School

By Randy Rutherford - Staff Writer | Aug 15, 2024

The Tyler County Board of Education met in regular session on August 5, 2024, at the board office in Middlebourne. Board members present were Katrina Byers, President, Larry Thomas, Vice President, and Andy Shreves, Member. Present by phone was member Diana Stender. Absent was Member Scott Strode.

Patrick Rymer from McKinley Architecture gave an update on the status of the new Elementary School. He stated that the planning was in the early stages and a more definite timeline would be available in the next month, however, once the building design is complete and permits issued, they would begin moving dirt, building roads and a new bridge. He also stated the educational planning was on-going. All required permits have been submitted for approval to the WV Department of Highways.

Also on hand from McKinley Architecture was Dr. Steve Paine. Dr. Paine began his presentation recalling the time he was once the football coach at Notre Dame High School in Clarksburg and faced the Lou Nocida coached Sistersville Tigers in the 1980 State Championship football game. The Tigers came out on top in that contest, claiming the title with a score of 28-0.

Dr. Paine then went on to speak to board members of the importance of creating an “Impact Statement” for the new elementary school. Broadly speaking, an impact statement is a short document clarifying the significance of the research work done ahead of the project and addresses concerns of the effect the project will have in the communities. Dr. Paine went on to say that the new proposed consolidation in Nicholas County, WV neglected to include an “Impact Statement,” and the project was rejected by the WV State Department of Education.

Next, the board gave approval of County School Board members pay increases based on Legislation HB 5514. These increases are only for new board members and not current members.

The following equipment was declared surplus: Four tubas, Two Yamaha Marching Tubes: Model YBB-202MSWC, a King Ultimate Marching Tuba Model KMT110, and a 4/4 Yamaha YBB-201MWC Series. The board approved the sale of the surplus instruments.

Then Roger Weese, representing the taxpayers of Tyler County, spoke and emphasized that taxes have again gone up, and it is a burden for a large percentage of citizens to pay their taxes. He again encouraged the Board of Education to continue to spend their money wisely and allow Jeff Davis to invest in high interest accounts to build their resources for down the road spending.

The following Athletic Schedules were approved: TCHS Golf 2024, TCHS Football 2024 and TCMS Football 2024.

The Board approved the following trip requests: Matt Jennings requested permission to take the TCHS Marching Band to the Middlebourne Christmas Parade on December 7, 2024 and the Sistersville Christmas Parade on December 14, 2024. Bus transportation was also requested. Mark Winters requested permission for the TCMS 8th Grade class to go to the Challenger Center at Wheeling University on November 4, 2024. Christy Jones, Mark Winters, Tristin Boso, Kennedy Cain, Luke Cooper, David Riggle and Joseph Asturi will attend as chaperones. Bus transportation was also requested. Mark Winters also requested permission for the TCMS student body to go to the Wesbanco Arena to watch the Nailers School Day Game on March 12, 2025. Kayla Morris, Joey Asturi, Virginia Dillaman, Cami Williamson, Kelli Potoczny, Ashley Moore, Eric Weber, Ed Underwood, Angie Watts, Lisa Feldmeier, Megan Campbell, Laci Strode, Michelle Weekley, Tristin Boso, Kennedy Cain, Stefanie Suter, Christy Wright, David Riggle, Luke Cooper, Teresa Dunham, Allana Paden, Tomela Paden and Valerie Northcraft will attend as chaperones. Bus transportation was also requested.

The board also approved the following other requests: Melinda Walton requests approval for the following contracted services for the 2024-25 school year: Easter Seals Rehabilitation Center for Physical/Occupational Therapy Services, Paula Lang for Vision Services, Integrated Speech Solutions, LLC for Speech Services, Best Life Therapy, LLC – Audiology Services, Sherry Perkey – Special Education Teacher Mentor and Testing Services, Deena Swain – Special Education Specialist Services, Four Regions Vision Services – Orientation and Mobility Services nad Kendall Behavioral Solutions, LLC. Plus Interagency Agreements, Tyler County Schools and the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation, Tyler County Schools and Harmony Mental Health, Inc., Tyler County Schools and WV Birth to Three, Tyler County Schools and AFL-CIO Appalachian Council, Inc. Head Start. Suzette Miller, Director of Curriculum and Instruction, requested approval for Tyler County Schools to agree to a Memorandum of Agreement to participate in the Mental Health Service Professional Demonstration Grant Project with Marshall University. The goal of this program is to increase the number and diversity of high-quality, trained providers available to address the shortage of mental health service professionals in communities served by high-need LEAs.

Joe Griffith requested permission for the following school employees to drive the TCMS and TCHS golf teams to events if the situation ever arises: Coach David Tucker, Coach Joe Griffith, Maggie Fisher, Tracy Heintzman, Curtis Heintzman, Ashley Moore, Valerie Northcraft, Becky Thomas and Jerry Zwick. Joe Griffith also requested permission for Maggie Fisher to act as an official school representative at a match if one of the coaches cannot be there for Girls Golf events. Maggie’s daughter is expected to be the only girl on the team. This would allow Maggie to take her daughter to a girls’ golf event if she chooses to participate.

Sam and Shauna Warner requested permission for Brenna Warner to cross county lines to attend Tyler County Schools for the 2024-25 school year. Faith Martie requested permission for Lillian Hopkins to cross county lines to attend Tyler County Schools for the 2024-25 school year. Heather Martie requested permission for Kyler Estep to cross county lines to attend Tyler County Schools for the 2024-25 school year. Kyle and Ashleigh Fox requested permission for Maddyx Fox to cross county lines to attend Tyler County Schools for the 2024-25 school year. April Torres requested permission for Carmyn and Chloei Torres to cross county lines to attend Tyler County Schools for the 2024-25 school year. Kaylee Nice requested permission for Mia Dotson, IreLynn Wade and Vada Wade to cross county lines to attend Tyler County Schools for the 2024-25 school year.

The board approved the following resignations: Robert L. Schupbach resigned his positions at TCHS as Civics, AP US Government and Politics, Theatre I-IV, College Psychology/Sociology Facilitator and Theater Director, effective July 17, 2024. Josiah Burgess resigned his position as custodian at TCHS. Brian Bailey resigned from his position as Assistant Band Director, effective immediately. Emma Grimes resigned from her position as Substitute Teacher, effective immediately. Corrie Stover resigned her position as Secretary of Transportation, effective August 1, 2024. Shane Highley resigned from his position as Head Girls Basketball Coach at TCHS, effective July 24, 2024.

The board approved the following transfers and rescissions: Transfer Brandi Owens from her position as SPED Teacher at SES to SPED Teacher including gifted at AIB, pending certification. Employ Jan Smitley as School Nurse, countywide, office to be located at TCMS, effective the 2024-2025 school year. . Employ Jeffrey Hayes as Bus and Route 42, effective the 2024-2025 school year. Employ Amanda Spencer as Bus Operator for the afternoon MOVTI run, effective the 2024-2025 school year. Employ Rebecca Sue Weekley as Substitute Teacher, effective immediately. Employ Timothy Richards as Substitute Bus Operator, pending certification.

Board President Katrina Byers then requested an Executive Session to discuss personnel. Following the session there was no announcement.

Finally, the board approved the payment of the bills. The next meeting of the Tyler County Board of Education is scheduled for August 19, 2024, at the Board Office on Dodd Street in Middlebourne.