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Jury Finds Ruble Not Guilty of All Charges

By Staff | Apr 11, 2024

The trial of Gary Lee Ruble, 61, of 89 Pleasants Ridge Road, Sistersville, WVa., was held on March 25, and 26 at the Marshall County CourtHouse in Moundsville. Ruble was indicted by a Tyler County Grand Jury during the June 2022 term on four felony charges: two counts of Sexual Abuse in the First Degree and two counts of Sexual Abuse by a Custodian. Previous attempts to seat a jury in Tyler County had proven unsuccessful and the case was eventually moved to Marshall County on a motion for a Change of Venue filed by Defense Attorney George Cosenza.

On March 25, 2024, at 9:00 am jury selection began. A jury was seated and the trial began with the Honorable Judge Jeffrey D. Cramer, Chief Judge of the Second Judicial Circuit presiding. Judge Cramer began by giving the jury instructions. Mr. Ruble was present in the courtroom alongside his Attorney Cosenza of Parkersburg. The State was represented by Special Prosecutor Tim Haught.

Opening statements were given by Prosecutor Haught and Defense Attorney Cosenza. Witnesses were called to the stand by both parties. Cross examination of witnesses was conducted by each side. Each side presented their case to the jury. Closing statements were given and at the conclusion the Jury was directed to the Jury room, which is adjacent to the courtroom, to begin their deliberations.

It was announced that a verdict had been reached. The Jury returned to the jury box. When asked by the Judge if a verdict had been reached, the Jury Foreperson replied in the affirmative. The Bailiff received the sealed Verdict Form from the Foreperson and delivered it to the Judge. The Judge opened the form and handed it to the Clerk with instructions to read the verdict aloud. The Clerk did so. The verdict for all counts was not guilty. It was requested the Jury be polled. The Court ordered, and the verdicts were confirmed. The Judge thanked the jurors for their service and excused them. The Judge stated that post trial motions would be accepted and reviewed promptly.

Mr. Ruble was released from bond and all charges were dismissed.