Tyler County Board of Education Passes Budget
A public hearing concerning the Tyler County Board of Education final budget for fiscal year 2022-2023 was conducted at the Board office at 7:00 PM on Monday, May 16, 2022 by County Board Treasurer Jeff Davis. No member of the public offered comment. Following the hearing, the regular meeting of the Board was called to order by President Linda Hoover. In attendance were Vice President Katrina Byers and Board members Curtis Heintzman, Dave Roberts, and Larry Thomas as well as Treasurer Davis, School Superintendent Shane Highley, Board Executive Secretary Stacey Roberts, and Board Human Resources Director Tricia Feldmeier.
On a motion by Curtis Heintzman, seconded by Larry Thomas, the Board by unanimous vote approved the minutes of the May 2, 2022 regular meeting.
Dave Roberts mentioned that the Middlebourne Library would be holding summer school for any students needing extra help.
Mr. Highley reported that the state testing scores are still being counted as other counties continue to test. He mentioned that he is very pleased with the results for Tyler County at this point. He also informed the Board that all four schools in the county received the Purple Star Award which is awarded to schools that go above and beyond to help military families.
On a motion made by Katrina Byers and seconded by Larry Thomas, the Board approved funding for the Wetzel/Tyler Health Department.
On a motion made by Dave Roberts and seconded by Curtis Heintzman, the Board approved funding for the Middlebourne and Sistersville Public Libraries.
On a motion made by Katrina Byers and seconded by Larry Thomas, the Board approved funding for the Tyler County Extension Office.
On a motion made by Larry Thomas and seconded by Katrina Byers, the Board approved the bid for the TCHS HVAC project.
On a motion made by Curtis Heintzman and seconded by Katrina Byers, the Board approved the Final Budget for fiscal year 2022-2023.
On a motion made by Dave Roberts, seconded by Katrina Byers, and with a unanimous vote, the Board approved the following trip requests:
Ashley Cochran requested permission for Andy Weekly and Ashley Cochran to drive students to the airport on June 25th and 30th for the TCHS TSA National Conference in Dallas, Texas. Additionally, Joe Griffith requested permission to take the TCMS/HS Golf teams to Bridgeville and Washington, Pennsylvania on June 7, 2022 for a session of Top Golf followed by attending a game of the Washington Wild Things. The Golf Coaches and two other faculty members to be approved by the Principal will supervise the trip. Bus transportation was also requested.
On a motion made by Larry Thomas, seconded by Curtis Heintzman, and with a unanimous vote, the Board approved the following other requests:
Brenda Nichols requested permission for Rebekah Nichols to cross county lines to continue attending Tyler County Schools for the 2022-23 school year. Also, Shawna Griffin requested permission for the Tyler County Fair Commission to use the TCHS Auditorium, restrooms and parking lot for the Middle Island Harvest Festival Pageant on September 25, 2022 from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM. The organization will be responsible for clean-up. Shawna Griffin has agreed to over-see the event.
On two separate motions made by Larry Thomas and seconded by Dave Roberts, and with unanimous votes, the Board approved the resignation of Tim Spencer, countywide Substitute Custodian, effective immediately, and the resignation of Maggie Fisher as AP Coordinator at TCHS, Social Studies Fair Coordinator at TCHS/MS, and Tech Coordinator at TCHS/MS, all effective May 16, 2022.
On a motion made by Larry Thomas, seconded by Dave Roberts, and with a unanimous vote, the Board approved the following employments or transfers:
Employ Ryan Ruble as Social Studies Teacher at TCHS, effective the beginning of the 2022-2023 school year; transfer Kelly Schultheis as SPED teacher at TCHS/TCMS to English Teacher at TCHS, effective the beginning of the 2022-2023 school; employ Michael Johnston as Math Teacher at TCMS, effective the beginning of the 2022-2023 school year; transfer Melissa Kendall from First Grade Teacher at AIB to Second Grade Teacher at AIB, effective the beginning of the 2022-2023 school year; employ Brittany Flesher and Sarah Tallman as Summer School Transportation/Special Education Aide III/Autism Mentor at SES, effective June 6, 2022; employ Shanna Glover as Math Field Day Coordinator at AIB, effective the beginning of the 2022-2023 school year; employ Barbara Matson, Diana Stender, Amy Yost and Julie Cozad as Substitute Teachers for Summer School, effective June 6, 2022; employ Charlie Delauder, DBA Decks and More, as Clerk of the Works/Summer Supervisor, effective May 17, 2022; employ Diana Stender as Summer School Science Teacher at TCHS, effective June 6, 2022; employ Tracey Bell as Custodian III at TCMS/HS, effective the beginning of the 2022-2023 school year; employ Bessie Billings as ECCAT/Transportation and SPED Instructional Aide/Autism Mentor at SES, effective the beginning of the 2022-2023 school year; employ Kay Lynn Wells as Itinerant ECCAT/SPED Instructional Aide/Autism Mentor at SES, effective the beginning of the 2022-2023 school year; transfer Emily Lantz from Fourth Grade Teacher at AIB to Kindergarten Teacher at AIB, effective the beginning of the 2022-2023 school year; employ Jennifer Morris as Summer School ECCAT/Transportation Aide III/Autism Mentor at SES, effective June 6, 2022; employ Casey Goudy as Assistant Girls Soccer Coach, effective the beginning of the 2022-2023 season.
On a motion made by Curtis Heintzman, seconded by Dave Roberts, and with a unanimous vote, the Board approved the following other personnel matters:
Russell Blatt will be full time custodian at AIB and Josiah Burgess will be full time custodian at SES, both effective the beginning of the 2022-2023 school year.
On a motion made by Curtis Heintzman and seconded by Larry Thomas The Board authorized the payment of all bills. The next regular meeting of the Tyler County Board of Education will be held on Monday, June 6, 2022 at 7:00 PM at the Board office located on Dodd Street in Middlebourne, West Virginia.