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Katrina Byers is announcing her candidacy for the Tyler County Board of Education

By Staff | Apr 19, 2022

Katrina Byers

Byers is graduate of Paden City High School and West Liberty University, along with her husband, Rodney Byers. They have a son, Chris, who attended and graduated from Tyler County Schools.

Her Mother, Phyllis Dieterich, was a teacher and guidance counselor in Tyler County for many years. Byers has always been active in Tyler County Schools. She served as the PTSO president while her son attended Sistersville Elementary School and has always been a volunteer in the school system.

Recently, retired as the Director of the Family Resource Network, she worked to provide resources to the families through grant funded projects. The projects included funding for the back to school fair, community mobile shoe closet, hygiene products, baby bag projects, summer feeding program and brought substance prevention programs to Tyler County Schools. She volunteered to assist with the Mountaineer Food Bank distribution and local clothing closet. She also serves on the board for the Child Advocacy Center and is the vice-president of the Philanthropic Educational Organization which provides funding for women to further their college education. Katrina has had the privilege of serving on the Tyler County Board of education for four years and is currently the vice-president of the board.

Byers has always believed that Tyler County has one of the best educational systems in the state and would love the honor to serve another four years on the board of education. “Many of my friends are educators so I am aware of the many struggles they have faced in the classroom and out. The last three years have been difficult for students, families and educators. The focus of the board needs to be one of understanding how the pandemic impacted all of the stakeholders in the educational system and how we can provide the necessary resources to our schools to promote mastery of grade level skills.”

Byers believes a strong community helps to build a strong school system. She volunteers to improve her community and wants the opportunity to serve as a board member once again to continue the long tradition of excellence that Tyler County Schools offer. She comes in with experience and has no personal agenda. Her goal has always been and will continue to be serving all of the students, families and staff of Tyler County.

Election day is May 10th. She would greatly appreciate your vote for Tyler County Board of Education.