Paden City Council Holds Monthly Meeting
The Paden City Common Council held their regular monthly meeting on April 4th at 7:00 P.M. in the council chambers at the city municipal building.
All council members were present as well as, city recorder Sharon Erwin and Mayor Steve Kastigar.
A motion to approve the March 7th regular council meeting and March 17th special meeting minutes were both approved unanimously.
Mayor, Steve Kastigar addressed the water issues the city faced this week. There was a water main line break and due to all the turning water valves on and off caused some discolored water issues. He is thankful for all the input received from the citizens concerns and frustration. Those calls have helped look at better avenues on how to work through the problems.
Chuck Laugh was once again in attendance to address the noise from the scrubber plant. He advised council he has been in contact with an attorney however, he is not being represented as of yet. Mayor Kastigar stated he had went for a walk down in that area and he realizes the noise is a problem. Itás an air movement issue and they are gonna have Thrasher look at it from a engineering aspect. They will look to revisit the design and do decibel testing in hope of find a solution.
Eliza Eddy, resident of 805 9th Avenue, confronted council over her unhappiness with the rain run off from the tanks. She stated she wrote a letter and still no one has contacted her. She stated she has contacted a lawyer over the issue. The run off has caused her building to sink and itás running around her house. She has taken pictures of it all and the lawyer advised her to address the issue with the city because this is not her problem. She was not happy and she wants something done about the problem. Mayor Kastigar stated that the superintendent Josh Billiter had been up and looked at the issue. Eddyás reply was yes he had been up there but she personally had to go to his office and notify him because he wouldnát have even known of the problem other wise. Kastigar advised Eddy that Billiter would get with Thrasher over the issue.
The last citizen to address council was Linda McGinnis of 206 Helen Street. She stated she attended last months meeting over the storm sewer at her house. She was told it was the land owners responsibility for fixing it. She did some checking into things and found documentation through the court house. It is the cityás responsibility for maintaining the drain. She went on to illiterate how badly it needs fixed. It is sinking and her yard is going to cave in. Itás so bad she is afraid to even mow her yard. Mayor Kastigar stated with the water being a natural run it was going to take some research and time to find a solution due to the EPA and DNR guidelines. They will be checking into the issue and took her name and number so they could be in contact. Sam Smith noted to council how pleased he was with the tree removal and them working together to get the issue resolved. He was highly pleased with the removal and all voiced how glad they were for the job to be complete.
All the bills for payment was approved unanimously with councilman Jim Richmond making the motion to do so.
The water, streets, and maintenance superintendent report was addressed by councilman Bertozzi and Mayor Kastigar, due to superintendent Josh Billiter not being present. Bertozzi stated he was contacted with gratitude from a citizen on 7th Avenue over the sewer back up. The citizen was highly pleased and happy with the response to fixing the issue. Kastigar went on to advise that the rehab on well number one turned into a complete rebuild. It went from costing $15,000 to $25,000. He went on to say Superintendent Billiter is looking at a machine to help keep the water valves fresh and operable and a back up pump for the sewer. Kastigar thanked the Tyler County Commission for the $40,000.00 awarded to them. With that money they will be able to complete the rebuild on well number one without cost to the department. After a few other things are paid there will be a little of the monies left over. The Park and pool committee is in the process of making a list of items they are in need of and hopefully that money can be used for those items and it will in turn help with getting the pool ready for operation this summer.
A motion was made and approved with Mayor Kastigar signing all paperwork for the #12 draw down for the water project.
The street committee was advised to look into the costs and the number of signs that are gonna be needed throughout the town for the speed limit change to 15 mph on city streets. Once the committee has the information they are to bring it back to council. Changing the speed limit will also require an ordinance change and that too will be addressed when the information is brought back about the signage and cost.
Up next was the sewer committee and there will be a design kickoff meeting with Army Corp of Engineers on Wednesday. They also are getting a new back up pump and a new tractor. Logan Hassig advised Stonegate is finished and a change order number three on contract one and order number two on contract two adding 60 days to the contract for bad weather. The tree agreement has been updated for the Leeks at 900 North Ninth Avenue. The liability issue was fixed and clarified.
Councilman Richmond, also Paden City Fire Chief gave the fire committee report and the fire department responded to one MVA -motor vehicle accident, two EMS assists, one false alarm, and one mutual aid for the month of March.
Police Chief Anthony Lauer advised council that his department has lost another officer to another agency. He asked permission to hire a new replacement officer and start the hiring process to do so. Council approved Lauerás request without opposition. Chief Lauer also addressed council that he will be coming to the police committee with some suggestions on helping to keep Paden Cityás hired officers. He understands there to be staffing issues all over the state but they need incentives to remain with the Paden City Police Department and not leave to go to another agency.
Mayor Kastigar stated on behalf of the park and pool committee that interviews will be starting on Saturday for life guards and employees for the pool. They have had a lot of applications returned and will be hiring 11 employees.
Councilman Bell advised in favor of the Paden City Development Authority that the flea markets have started to be held at the old middle school. They held their first one last Saturday and to his knowledge it was a success.
Following up on the AT&T tower city attorney, Carolyn Flannery had been in contact for some time with AT&T over some logistics and changes needing to be made in the contract to better serve the city. The outcome was a 30 year term, $100.00 leasing payment to be received each month, and a 10% escalation clause every five years. She went in to state they were offering a $2000.00 sign on bonus of the contract was signed that night. Construction could begin anythime between signing the contract and two years following. After Flanneryás explanation of the contract the council members went into an executive session to discuss the tower and contract. After executing the council approved the terms of the contract.
Under new business on the agenda there was a revision to the budget for fiscal year 2021/2022 and a motion was made and approved to accept the budget revision balance on hand.
Also the topic of high utility bills was discussed. Beginning July 1st, 2022 those utilities that are suspended or become suspended will have to pay the past due balance plus a reconnect fee for services. A clean up day was touched upon but itás believed to be too labor and cost inclusive to hold.
Meeting was adjourned and the next scheduled council meeting is set for Monday May 2nd.